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Course Search Results

  • 3.00 Credits

    An introduction to the development and expression of human sexual values, attitudes, and behaviors in relationships and the family. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): None
  • 3.00 Credits

    Study and apply best practices to promote positive family, school, and community collaboration. Particular attention is given to trauma-sensitive practices and diverse populations. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Prerequisite(s): FLHD 1500 or PSY 1100 - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C Registration Restriction(s): None Prerequisite:    FLHD 1500 O PSY 1100
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course examines contemporary family life and the impact of government laws, policies, and programs on family life over time and across contexts and cultures. It examines both the intended and unintended consequences of policies for families across a variety of policy matters, from anti-poverty policies to health and workplace policies. It also explores the varied effects those policies and programs can have on different types of families and different aspects of family functioning and well-being. (Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Prerequisite(s): FLHD 1500 or PSY 1100 - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C Registration Restriction(s): None Equivalent Course(s): SW 4500 Prerequisite:    FLHD 1500 O PSY 1100
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course examines the powerful role that emotions play in human development and relationships. We study the interplay between relationships and emotions and how understanding this dance can improve and strengthen relationships. Finally, we explore how emotional development and relationships change over the lifespan. (Fall) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Prerequisite(s): (FLHD 1500 or PSY 1100) and FLHD 2400 - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C Registration Restriction(s): None Prerequisite:    ( FLHD 1500 O PSY 1100 ) A FLHD 2400
  • 3.00 Credits

    An experiential analysis of family life through a study abroad context. Students will integrate their knowledge of family research and theory relating to the development of individuals and families throughout the lifespan and apply this knowledge within unique cultural contexts in order to increase their understanding and appreciation of diversity and develop cultural competency. (Spring [As Needed], Summer [As Needed]) [Pass/Fail] Prerequisite(s): (FLHD 1500 or PSY 1100) and instructor permission - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C Repeatable for Add?l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 12 Registration Restriction(s): None Prerequisite:    ( FLHD 1500 O PSY 1100 )
  • 1.00 - 4.00 Credits

    Description unavailable. (As Needed) [Pass/Fail] Repeatable for Add?l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 8 Registration Restriction(s): None
  • 1.00 - 8.00 Credits

    Description unavailable. (As Needed) [Pass/Fail] Repeatable for Add?l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 8 Registration Restriction(s): None
  • 1.00 - 12.00 Credits

    This course is for students interested in a research-oriented career, attending graduate school, and/or otherwise gaining hands-on research experience. Students will participate in research activities including literature reviews, data collection, data coding, data management, data analysis, preparing presentations, and writing manuscripts to be submitted for publication. (Fall [As Needed], Spring [As Needed], Summer [As Needed]) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Prerequisite(s): (FLHD 1500 or PSY 1100) and FLHD 3600 and instructor permission - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C Repeatable for Add?l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 12 Registration Restriction(s): Junior or Senior standing required Prerequisite:    ( FLHD 1500 O PSY 1100 ) A FLHD 3600
  • 4.00 Credits

    Early childhood teaching practicum is designed to provide experience in administration, curriculum development, and managerial facets of early childhood programs. (Fall, Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Prerequisite(s): FLHD 3610 and FLHD 2600 and ECED 2950 - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C Registration Restriction(s): None Prerequisite:    FLHD 3610 A FLHD 2600 A FLHD 2950
  • 1.00 - 12.00 Credits

    An experiential course in which students are placed with a community agency providing family services. Within this experience, students apply knowledge gained throughout their coursework. Students may take up to 12 credits. 45 hours of service or time worked is required for each credit. Students must have permission of the instructor. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Pass/Fail] Prerequisite(s): (FLHD 1500 or PSY 1100) and FLHD 3350 and instructor permission - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C Repeatable for Add?l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 12 Registration Restriction(s): None Prerequisite:    ( FLHD 1500 O PSY 1100 ) A FLHD 3350