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Course Search Results

  • 1.00 Credits

    Lab experiences designed to complement and emphasize the principles learned in GEO 3410. Emphasis is placed on the identification and correlation of sedimentary facies and gathering and interpreting field data. A minimum grade of "C" (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a physical science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other course. (Fall) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Co-requisite(s): GEO 3410 Registration Restriction(s): None Corequisite:    GEO 3410
  • 3.00 Credits

    Fundamentals of descriptive, kinematic, and dynamic analysis of structures within the Earth?s crust and a theoretical treatment of stress and strain. Three (3) lectures per week. A minimum grade of ?C? (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a physical science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other course. (Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Co-requisite(s): GEO 3515 Prerequisite(s): GEO 1220 and GEO 1225 and MATH 1050 and MATH 1060 - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C Registration Restriction(s): Geology majors and minors only Prerequisite:    GEO 1220 A GEO 1225 A MATH 1050 A MATH 1060 Corequisite:    GEO 3515
  • 1.00 Credits

    Consists of structural problems solved by geometrical, graphical, and stereographic methods. Includes extensive work with maps and cross sections. A minimum grade of ?C? (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a physical science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other course. (Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Co-requisite(s): GEO 3510 Registration Restriction(s): None Corequisite:    GEO 3510
  • 3.00 Credits

    An introduction to the concepts and physical processes of the hydrological cycle with emphasis on applied problems and water resources in the western United States. Three (3) lectures per week. A minimum grade of ?C? (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a Geosciences major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other course. (Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Co-requisite(s): GEO 3615 Prerequisite(s): GEO 1010?or GEO 1020?or GEO 1030?or GEO 1050?or GEO 1090?or GEO 1110?or GEO 2210?or GEOG 1000?or ENVS 1000 - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C Registration Restriction(s): None Prerequisite:    GEO 1010 O GEO 1020 O GEO 1030 O GEO 1050 O GEO 1090 O GEO 1110 O GEO 2210 O GEOG 1000 O ENVS 1000
  • 1.00 Credits

    Application of analytical techniques to complement the Hydrology lecture. Field-, lab-, and computer-based exercises are used to collect and manipulate data to solve hydrological problems. A minimum grade of ?C? (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a physical science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other course. (Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Co-requisite(s): GEO 3610 Registration Restriction(s): None Corequisite:    GEO 3610
  • 1.00 - 4.00 Credits

    Variable credit. A minimum grade of ?C? (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a physical science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other course. (Fall [As Needed], Spring [As Needed]) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Prerequisite(s): GEO 1220 and GEO 1225 and instructor permission - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C Registration Restriction(s): Geology majors only Prerequisite:    GEO 1220 A GEO 1225
  • 0.50 - 3.00 Credits

    Selected field trips of one to ten (1-10) days to areas of geologic interest. Designed for geology majors and minors, course credit is earned by contracting with the instructor as to the amount and type of report to be submitted. Enrollment limited, instructor permission and advanced standing in program required. Transportation/food costs may be incurred. A minimum grade of ?C? (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a physical science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other course. (Fall, Spring) [Pass/Fail] Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission Repeatable for Add?l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 6 Registration Restriction(s): None
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course will acquaint the student with geochemical principles such as origin and abundance of the elements; distribution and migration of those elements; geochemical cycles and prospecting; sampling techniques and evaluation; thermodynamics; crystal chemistry; and isotope geology. Three (3) lectures per week. A minimum grade of ?C? (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a physical science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other course. (Spring - Odd Years) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Prerequisite(s): GEO 3210 and GEO 3215 and CHEM 1220 and CHEM 1225 - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C Registration Restriction(s): Geology majors only Prerequisite:    GEO 3210 A GEO 3215 A CHEM 1220 A CHEM 1225
  • 3.00 Credits

    Directed research. A passing grade must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a physical science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other course. (Fall, Spring) [Pass/Fail] Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission Registration Restriction(s): Geology majors only
  • 1.00 - 9.00 Credits

    Cooperative education. A minimum grade of ?C? (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a physical science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other course. (As Needed) [Pass/Fail] Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission Repeatable for Add?l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 12 Registration Restriction(s): Geology majors only