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Course Search Results

  • 3.00 Credits

    This course explores the impact of crime prevention policies on crime rates while considering the diversity of crime and criminals. Students will analyze the effectiveness of policies designed to prevent retail sector crimes, substance abuse, and street rimes. (Spring) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): Graduate students only
  • 3.00 Credits

    Topics vary each semester but generally focus on current issues related to administration, policy, and theoretical foundations for contemporary issues in public administration. (As Needed) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Repeatable for Add?l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 6 Registration Restriction(s): Graduate students only
  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    This course provides graduate students with the opportunity to do extended readings on a specialized public administration topic. Students can also use this to launch or complete the major research project. Full-time graduate faculty in the department can approve enrollment. (As Needed) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission Repeatable for Add?l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 6 Registration Restriction(s): Graduate students only
  • 1.00 - 6.00 Credits

    All MPA students must complete six (6) credit hours of experiential learning courses. Pre-service MPA students must complete at least 300 internship hours through PADM 6890 MPA Internship (internship may be substituted for an in-field project with prior permission of the MPA Director). Pre-service students are defined as those having less than one year of full-time equivalent work experience in the public sector. In-service students may use the Substitution & Waiver form to request an internship waiver. Non-resident students must be in-service professionals and exempt from the MPA Internship. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Pass/Fail] Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission Repeatable for Add?l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 6 Registration Restriction(s): MPA majors only
  • 1.00 - 6.00 Credits

    This is one of two options available to meet the experiential learning requirement. Students develop a proposal, complete the research, and write a traditional thesis. Students must form a thesis committee consisting of a chair and two (2) members. The chair and one (1) member must serve as MPA faculty or adjunct. The third committee member should be drawn from the professional or academic community and have experience or knowledge related to the thesis topic. Students usually enroll for three (3) credit hours when the thesis begins. If not completed in the initial semester, students must enroll for a minimum of one (1) credit hour each subsequent semester until the thesis is completed. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission Repeatable for Add?l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 6 Registration Restriction(s): MPA majors only
  • 1.00 - 6.00 Credits

    All MPA students must complete six (6) credit hours of experiential learning courses. The Professional Project is one of two options available to meet the experiential learning requirement. Students write a proposal for a project that benefits a public or nonprofit organization. Students complete the project and submit a final project report. Students are encouraged to orally present the results to the supervising official along with the written report. The project may be completed for the student?s current employer, but cannot be a part of the student?s day-to-day work responsibilities. Course is repeatable for six (6) total credit hours. Pre-service MPA students must complete an MPA internship (internship may be substituted for an in-field project with prior permission of the MPA Director). Pre-service students are defined as those having less than one year of full-time equivalent work experience in the public sector. Non-resident students must be in-service professionals and exempt from the MPA Internship. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission Repeatable for Add?l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 6 Registration Restriction(s): MPA majors only
  • 3.00 Credits

    Students demonstrate knowledge and competencies acquired in previous MPA coursework by completing a capstone project. Students map a personal career path and create a plan to strengthen and maintain the competencies for lifelong learning. Students integrate public service values and ethics into their projects and future pursuits. (As Needed) [Capstone Graded] Prerequisite(s): PADM 6440 or instructor permission - Prerequisite Min. Grade: B- Registration Restriction(s): MPA majors only Prerequisite:    PADM 6440
  • 1.00 Credits

    Description unavailable. (As Needed) [Graduate Thesis/Capstone Pass/Fail] Repeatable for Add?l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 12 Registration Restriction(s): MPA majors only
  • 1.00 Credits

    This course helps to bring relaxation to the body and mind through traditional yoga postures, breathing techniques, relaxation, and meditation. This class is appropriate for beginning students. Two (2) sections of this class may be taken for credit. Class is repeatable. (Fall, Spring) [Pass/Fail] Repeatable for Add?l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 16 Registration Restriction(s): None
  • 1.00 Credits

    Traditional Hatha Yoga with the focus on exploring additional asanas, pranayama, shavasana, and meditation. Two (2) sections of this class may be taken concurrently for credit. Class is repeatable. (Fall, Spring) [Pass/Fail] Prerequisite(s): One semester or 6 months of beginning yoga or PE 1057 - Prerequisite Min. Grade: P Repeatable for Add?l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 16 Registration Restriction(s): None Prerequisite:    PE 1057