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Course Search Results

  • 3.00 Credits

    This course includes the history, practices and concepts of managing a general aviation fixed base operation (FBO). Topics will include the components of a modern FBO, FBO operations, FBO sales and marketing, FBO management, FBO financial planning and control, FBO human resource requirements, FBO risk management, and future challenges for FBOs. (Fall [As Needed]) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): Junior or Senior standing required
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course includes the history, practices and concepts of business and corporate flight department management. Topics will include a historical perspective on business aviation, determining the shape and size of the air transportation need, getting started with a new corporate flight operation, running the business aspects of a corporate flight operation, principles of management, standard operating procedures, aircraft maintenance, and safety. (Spring [As Needed]) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): Junior or Senior standing required
  • 3.00 Credits

    Examines the economic aspects of the air transportation industry. Includes airline service, corporate aviation, types of aircraft, airports, types of airports, airport problems, consumer interests, and competitive practices. Introduces foundational principles of free enterprise, private and social implications of profit maximization, market structure and market share, resource markets, economic and industry cycles, and the effects of inflation and deflation on short- and long-term economic growth. Introduces competitive advantage, air transport demand, pricing, break even analysis, revenue and capacity management, cost drivers, supply and demand, profit and loss, profit vs. cash flow, political influences, and regulatory issues. This course may be offered online. (Spring, As Needed) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): None Equivalent Course(s): AVTN 6020
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is an intensive workshop where participants will apply Dr. W Edwards Deming?s philosophy (System of Profound Knowledge?) through reflective analysis and practice while proposing and managing a professional project that synthesizes Systems Thinking and serves as an appropriate capstone this major. (Spring [As Needed], Summer [As Needed]) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): Junior or Senior standing required
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course will discuss the fundamentals of maintenance, development of maintenance programs, certification requirements, document requirements, maintenance and engineering interactions, production planning and control, technical publications, technician training, maintenance program management, hangar maintenance, quality assurance, quality control, maintenance safety, human factors in aviation maintenance, and problem troubleshooting. (As Needed) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): Junior or senior standing required
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course will discuss the quality management underpinnings of SMS, the four components, risk management, reliability engineering, SMS implementation, and the scientific rigor that must be designed into proactive safety. A hypothetical airline-oriented safety scenario will be used as a case study. A number of SMS commentaries by respected SMS experts will be reviewed and discussed along with a history of FAA activity in the SMS field, SMS applied to a flight school, and measuring SMS effectiveness. (As Needed) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): Junior or Senior standing required
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course will discuss the field of organizational behavior, effective managers, organizational culture, understanding and managing individual behavior, individual differences at work, perceptions and attributions, motivation, how evaluation and rewards influence behavior, managing employee behavior, managing individual stress, groups and teams, conflict and negotiations, power and politics, communicating effectively, decision making, leadership, organizational structure and design, and managing organizational change. (As Needed) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): Junior or Senior standing required
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is about how leaders in Aviation mobilize others to get extraordinary things done in organizations, the practices that leaders employ to transform values into actions, visions into realities, obstacles into innovations, separateness into solidarity, and risks into rewards. It?s also about how leadership in Aviation makes a positive difference in the workplace and creates the climate in which people turn challenging opportunities into remarkable successes. (As Needed) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Prerequisite(s): AVTN 3430 - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C Registration Restriction(s): None Prerequisite:    AVTN 3430
  • 3.00 Credits

    Airport Management includes history, practices and concepts of the field. Topics will include a historical perspective on airport management, determining the need for an airport, getting started with a new airport operation, running the business aspects of a modern airport, principles of airport management, standard airport operating procedures, airport maintenance operations, airport security issues, and airport safety plans. (Fall [As Needed]) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): Junior or Senior standing required
  • 3.00 Credits

    Airline Operations and Management topics will include a historical perspective on airline operations and management, determining the shape and size of the airline need, getting started with a new airline operation, running the business aspects of a modern airline, principles of airline management, standard airline operating procedures, airline aircraft maintenance, airline security, and airline safety. (Spring [As Needed]) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): Junior or Senior standing required