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Course Search Results

  • 1.00 Credits

    Lab to accompany BIOL 2420. One two-hour meeting per week. A minimum grade of "C" (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (As Needed) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Co-requisite(s): BIOL 2420 Registration Restriction(s): Intensive English Program majors may not enroll Equivalent Course(s): BIOL 2425 Corequisite:    BIOL 2420
  • 1.00 Credits

    Lab to accompany BIOL 2420. One two-hour meeting per week. A minimum grade of "C" (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Co-requisite(s): BIOL 2420 Registration Restriction(s): Intensive English Program majors may not enroll Equivalent Course(s): BIOL 2423 Corequisite:    BIOL 2420
  • 3.00 Credits

    Course investigates diverse ecosystems found in southern Utah. Ecosystems will be used to learn about cycling of matter/energy, patterns, scale, proportion, the link between structure/function, cause/effect, and evidence of stability and change. Students will gather data about ecosystems, describe possible problems, the causation and possible solutions. Recommended for Education Majors K-12. A minimum grade of "C" (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): Intensive English Program majors may not enroll General Education Category: Life Sciences
    General Education Course
  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    In this course students will participate in various introductory workshops related to biology, biological techniques, or biological research; or introductory biological learning situations outside of the traditional class and lab. Workshop credit must be arranged by a Biology program faculty member and receive approval at the department level. May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of six (6) credits. Variable times. (As Needed) [Pass/Fail] Repeatable for Add?l Credit? Yes - Total Credits: 6 Registration Restriction(s): Intensive English Program majors may not enroll
  • 3.00 Credits

    Microbiology for science majors. Explores the cell structure, physiology, metabolism, genetics and diversity of microbes. Emphasis placed on prokaryotes, viruses, protists and fungi including their impact on the environment and our daily lives. Topics include biotechnological applications, fermentation technology, industrial products, medical interactions, and recycling nutrients in ecosystems. A minimum grade of "C" (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3015 Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610 and BIOL 1615 - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C Registration Restriction(s): None Prerequisite:    BIOL 1610 A BIOL 1615 Corequisite:    BIOL 3015
  • 1.00 Credits

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3010. The student will use aseptic techniques and applied methodologies to isolate, cultivate, stain, and identify unknown bacteria. Laboratory exercises will include a survey of microorganisms and a demonstration of microbial properties. A minimum grade of "C" (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3010 Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610 and BIOL 1615 - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C Registration Restriction(s): None Prerequisite:    BIOL 1610 A BIOL 1615 Corequisite:    BIOL 3010
  • 3.00 Credits

    Biological and physical mechanisms related to the distribution, abundance, and adaptations of organisms. Topics include ecosystem structure and function, physiological ecology, population ecology, life-history strategies, community ecology, and geographical ecology. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of "C" (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. Students are encouraged to complete MATH 1040/2040 prior to taking this course. (Fall, Spring, Summer [As Needed]) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3035 Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610 and BIOL 1615 and BIOL 1620 and BIOL 1625 - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C Registration Restriction(s): None Prerequisite:    BIOL 1610 A BIOL 1615 A BIOL 1620 A BIOL 1625 Corequisite:    BIOL 3035
  • 1.00 Credits

    Lab to accompany BIOL 3030. One three-hour meeting per week. Longer field trips may be required. A minimum grade of "C" (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. Students are encouraged to complete MATH 1040 prior to taking this course. (Fall, Spring, Summer [As Needed]) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3030 Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610 and BIOL 1615 and BIOL 1620 and BIOL 1625 - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C Registration Restriction(s): None Prerequisite:    BIOL 1610 A BIOL 1615 A BIOL 1620 A BIOL 1625 Corequisite:    BIOL 3030
  • 3.00 Credits

    Exploration of current ethical problems in the medical research and psychological disciplines and their impacts on society through a Socratic seminar discussion. Additional consideration is given to how religion, culture, and experience contribute to individual perceptions and ethics. A minimum grade of "C" (2.0 or above) must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Spring, As Needed) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Prerequisite(s): ENGL 2010 or equivalent - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C Registration Restriction(s): None Prerequisite:    ENGL 2010
  • 3.00 Credits

    Transmission and expression of genetic information, organisms, and populations. Topics include basic transmission and molecular genetics, regulation of gene expression, developmental genetics, genetics of cancer, the immune response and behavior, and population genetics and evolution. Three (3) hours of lecture per week. A minimum grade of "C" (2.0) or above must be earned in this course before it can be counted in a biological science major or minor or as a prerequisite for any other biology course. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Co-requisite(s): BIOL 3065 Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610 and BIOL 1615 and BIOL 1620 and BIOL 1625 and [(CHEM 1110 and CHEM 1115) or (CHEM 1210 and CHEM 1215)] - Prerequisite Min. Grade: C Registration Restriction(s): None Prerequisite:    BIOL 1610 A BIOL 1615 A BIOL 1620 A BIOL 1625 ( A CHEM 1110 A CHEM 1115 ) ( O CHEM 1210 A CHEM 1215 ) Corequisite:    BIOL 3065