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Course Search Results

  • 3.00 Credits

    Students will be introduced to the principles of curriculum, teaching, and assessment. This introduction will include exercises in instructional planning and curriculum development. Students will produce a partial unit plan based on a content area and grade level of their choosing. This course is intended for elementary education majors and those students pursuing secondary education teacher certification. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): None
  • 3.00 Credits

    Students will be introduced to the principles of curriculum, teaching, and assessment. This writing-intensive course?includes exercises in instructional planning and curriculum development. Students will produce a partial unit plan based on a content area and grade level of their choosing. This course is intended for elementary education majors and those students pursuing secondary education teacher certification.? As part of this course, students are required to submit to a background check; the fee for this can be waived. More information about seeking a waiver of the fee can be found in the syllabus or from the department. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): None
  • 3.00 Credits

    Educational Psychology is designed to give pre-service teachers knowledge of the relationship which exists between psychology, students, and the world of teaching and learning. The course explores concepts pertaining to learning modalities along with multi-cultural and gender-based learning theories. A background check must be successfully completed before students engage in practica hours. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): None
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course critically examines educational issues relating to ethnic, racial, linguistic, economic, sexual, and gender diversity grounded in the social sciences and contemporary ideas, issues, and problems through the disciplines of history and philosophy. The course is intended to assist students in creating an equitable teaching and learning environment, furthering pedagogy. Includes school practicum. A background check must be successfully completed before students engage in the practica hours. (Fall, Spring, Summer) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing required
  • 3.00 Credits

    Study and apply theories and research of dual language immersion education related to first and second language learning, literacy, and academic achievement of DLI learners. (Fall) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): None
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is one of six courses needed to earn an Elementary STEM Endorsement. This course provides preservice and inservice teachers with a deep understanding of energy and the nature of how students use concepts of energy to make sense of phenomena across life, earth, and physical science. This understanding enhances teacher insights into 1) how matter and energy interact, 2) the relationships of energy to forces and interactions within fields, and 3) pedagogical content knowledge around teaching and learning about energy. (Fall - Odd Years [As Needed]) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): None
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is one of six courses needed to earn an Elementary STEM endorsement. This course provides preservice and inservice teachers with a deep understanding of force and the nature of how students use the concepts of force to make sense of phenomena across life, earth, and physical science. This understanding enhances participants? insights into 1) how force, energy, and matter interact; 2) the relationship of force to energy and interactions within fields; and 3) pedagogical content knowledge around teaching and learning about force. This course provides teachers with knowledge of how concepts in force may be used by students, with the Crosscutting Concepts and Engineering and Science Practices. (Fall - Even Years [As Needed]) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): None
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is one of six courses needed to earn an Elementary STEM endorsement. This course will help participants develop a firm problem-solving foundation. Using skills and strategies applied in mathematical contexts, preservice and inservice teachers will learn to think, work with others, present solutions orally to the whole class, and write up detailed solutions. This course will also provide preservice and inservice teachers a deeper understanding of probability and data representations and analysis. Special attention in this course will be given to children?s typical error patterns, problem-solving strategies, interpreting and assessing students? work and learning, and integration of the NCTM process standards and the Common Core Standards for Mathematics. (Fall - Even Years [As Needed]) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): None
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is one of six courses needed to earn an Elementary STEM endorsement. In this course, participants will experience introductory explorations of the nature of science, using science and engineering principles, practices, and processes. Applications to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics will be explored using learning-based pedagogy. Participants will develop sound STEM teaching practices and strategies to assist them in educating K-6th grade students in STEM content standards. (Fall - Even Years [As Needed]) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): None
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is one of six courses needed to earn an Elementary STEM endorsement. This course provides inservice and preservice teachers with a deep and useful understanding of matter and the nature of how students use the concepts of matter to make sense of phenomena across life, earth, and physical science. This understanding enhances participants? insights into 1) how matter and energy interact, 2) the relationships of matter to forces and interactions within the fields, and 3) pedagogical content knowledge around teaching and learning about matter. This course provides participants with knowledge of how matter concepts may be used by students with the Crosscutting Concepts and Engineering and Science Practices. (Fall - Even Years [As Needed]) [Graded (Standard Letter)] Registration Restriction(s): None