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Course Search Results

  • 3.00 Credits

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA-04) mandates that students with disabilities be educated "to the maximum extent appropriate with children who are not disabled." The expectation is that students with disabilities will have access to, and make adequate progress in, the general curriculum. Therefore, it is essential for general educators and special educators to work collaboratively. This course is designed to provide preservice teachers with the knowledge and skills of effective inclusive teaching practices. Prerequisite:    EDUC 2010
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course focuses on the place of social studies in the elementary school curriculum, the scope and rationale of the social studies curriculum, connections with other subject areas, teaching and assessment strategies, and building classroom community.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course uses case studies of education systems and practices from Japan, China, South Korea, Finland, Cuba, Germany, Poland, and the U.S. to demonstrate the interactions of social-cultural contexts, school policies and practices, as well as the individuals' learning processes. Theories of and perspectives on examining educational policies and practices will be introduced throughout the class along with case studies covering a diverse range of contexts. The class will be a mix of lectures, discussions, and in-class demonstrations, so students will have many opportunities to actively engage with the material in multiple ways. Students will also have opportunities to discuss educational issues with college students from China, Japan, India and Singapore via a virtual platform.
  • 2.00 Credits

    This course focuses on how to create media to support and apply research-based principles for learning into the educational environments. The curriculum is based on Core Curriculum skills for students in grades 9-12. The course content provides teacher licensure candidates with technology proficiencies for integrating technology into teaching. Prerequisite:    BSAD 2704 and EDUC 2604 and HTHS 2904 and LIBS 1704 and LIBS 2604 and LIBS 2704 and LIBS 2804 and LIBS 2904 and NTM 1501 and NTM 1502 and NTM 1503 and NTM 1700 and NTM 1701 and NTM 1702 and NTM 1703 and TBE 1501 and TBE 1502 and TBE 1503 and TBE 1700 and TBE 1701 and TBE 1702 and TBE 1703
  • 2.00 Credits

    This course allows students to apply existing technology literacy into educational environments to promote advanced use of educational technology in learning environments. The curriculum is based on teacher skills required to teach Utah State Educational Technology Standards for students in K-6 settings. The course focuses on providing teacher licensure candidates with advanced technology proficiencies for teaching with technology. Prerequisite:    BSAD 2704 and EDUC 2604 and HTHS 2904 and LIBS 1704 and LIBS 2604 and LIBS 2704 and LIBS 2804 and LIBS 2904 and NTM 1501 and NTM 1502 and NTM 1503 and NTM 1700 and NTM 1701 and NTM 1702 and NTM 1703 and TBE 1501 and TBE 1502 and TBE 1503 and TBE 1700 and TBE 1701 and TBE 1702 and TBE 1703
  • 1.00 Credits

    This course provides students with an understanding of the use of assistive technology for students with disabilities. Students will learn to assess student assistive technology needs, identify assistive technology used to provide students access to educational opportunities, and application of assistive technology in instructional programs, career tasks, and life skills for individuals with disabilities.
  • 3.00 Credits

    The course examines the background, underlying theory, and research foundations that support dual language and immersion education practices. Issues for teachers and administrators will be addressed. Practices and principles that inform language attentive curriculum will be a focus of the course.
  • 2.00 Credits

    Analysis of developmental reading skills with emphasis on readiness for reading, phonic and structural analysis, word recognition, use of the basal reader, and reading for various purposes.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Development of attitudes, methods and skills in creative teaching.
  • 2.00 Credits

    This course is designed to teach teacher candidates validated classroom management strategies and level one behavioral intervention strategies. This course focuses on techniques and methods for preventative classroom student management. The course will assist candidates in writing effective classroom management plans. Candidates will be introduced to the process of Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans.