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Course Search Results

  • 4.00 Credits

    The purpose of this course is for each student to learn the fundamental knowledge and technology of solar PV (Photovoltaic) systems. This course discusses the limitation and the impacts of using fossil fuel energy and its possible impact on global climate change. Solar energy can provide a long term solution and minimize climate change. This course will enable students to build an essential foundation towards how to design the solar PV systems for various applications. The topics in this course include PV markets and applications, electricity basics, safety basics, the fundamentals of solar PV energy, PV system components, grid-tied and battery-based systems, load analysis and PV system sizing, PV system electrical and mechanical designs, National Electric Code (NEC) applied to PV systems, commissioning and decommissioning, performance analysis, maintenance and troubleshooting. Incentives, rebates and policies from federal, state and local power company will also be addressed in the class. The students will learn how to acquire professional certifications if they are interested in developing a career in solar PV industry. Prerequisite:    EET 1140 and EET 1850
  • 4.00 Credits

    The purpose of this course is to educate each student how to be a solar electric professional with demonstrated expertise in the siting, design, analysis and performance of PV systems from site specific information, analyzes customer needs and energy usage for the purpose of advising and providing customers with the most appropriate solution for their situation. Each student will also learn the fundamental knowledge and technology of solar PV (Photovoltaic) systems. The topics in this course include PV markets and applications, electricity basics, safety basics, the fundamentals of solar PV energy, PV system components and configurations, grid-tied and battery-based systems, load analysis, qualifying the customer, site analysis, conceptual PV system design, financial costs, incentives and savings, financial benefit analysis and financing, non-financial benefit analysis, performance analysis, prepare proposals, and professional sales skills. The students will learn how to acquire professional certifications if they are interested in developing a career in solar PV industry. Prerequisite:    EET 1140 and EET 1850
  • 4.00 Credits

    Advanced calculus-based topics related to electronic circuit analysis, Laplace transforms, differential equations, Fourier series, Fourier transforms, and applications. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities include circuit design, construction, computer simulation, and analysis. Prerequisite:    CEET 2110 and CEET 2140 and EET 2110 and EET 2140 and MATH 1210 and MATH 1220 and MATH 2210
  • 4.00 Credits

    Continuation of Circuit Analysis, CEET 3010. Topics include active and passive filters, Pole-zero analysis, stability, Bode diagrams, frequency response, and applications. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities include circuit design, construction, computer simulation, and analysis. Prerequisite:    CEET 3010 and EET 3010
  • 4.00 Credits

    Introduction to field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) and application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) design. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities to include the use of computer design tools to design, model, simulate, and program gate arrays and application specific integrated circuits. Prerequisite:    CEET 2150 and EET 2150
  • 4.00 Credits

    Introduction to electronic data acquisition, data analysis, error analysis, signal measurement, and automatic testing techniques. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities to include the design, construction, and analysis of measurement circuits, data acquisition circuits, instrumentation devices, and automatic testing. Prerequisite:    CEET 2110 and CEET 2170 and EET 2110 and EET 2170
  • 4.00 Credits

    Microprocessor system development using modern software design principles and high level programming languages. Topics include peripherial interfacing, real-time operating systems and debugging techniques. Prerequisite:    CS 1410 and CS 2250 and EET 2150
  • 4.00 Credits

    An introduction to real-time kernals and operating systems. Priority-based pre-emptive scheduling, intertask communication, and intertask sychronization will be studied. Other topics include priority inversions, semaphores, mutexes, context switches, rate monotonic analysis (RMA), various kernal services, finite state machines, and nested state machines. Prerequisite:    CEET 2150 and EET 2150
  • 3.00 Credits

    Engineering problem solving using the Internet, professional journals, and human networking. Three styles of writing emphasized; technical descriptions, historical perspectives of technology, and technical defensible arguments.
  • 4.00 Credits

    This course provides an in-depth study of several serial communication standards and how to implement them in embedded systems. The standards addressed in this class include RS232, RS485, Controller Area Network (CAN), and Ethernet. Emphasis will be placed on utilizing the stacks and protocols for each standard. The channel bandwidth, noise, and data error rate will be addressed. Wireless methods of serial communication will be surveyed. Prerequisite:    CEET 2150 and EET 2150