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Course Search Results

  • 3.00 Credits

    This management course is designed to teach aerospace business managers how to use the tools in Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) to attain and maintain operational excellence. The course includes relevant CPI tools such as Lean, Six Sigman, Theory of Constraints and Benchmarking. The course will also show managers how to conduct a strategic planning session with senior leadership and strategically align their organizations to maximize the use of CPI tools. Prerequisite:    MBA 6050 and MBA 6051 and MBA 6150
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course will focus on the impact of global macroeconomic conditions on firm decision-making. To review and analyze current macroeconomic topics, a theoretical framework is developed, from the start showing the linkages among national economies. This framework is used to analyze and forecast business cycles, interest rates, exchange rates, causes of trade deficits, short- and long-term consequences of fiscal and monetary policy decisions, and the globalization of financial markets. Examples from different countries are used to enhance knowledge of the world economy. Additional foundation course work in economics may be required prior to course registration as per department advisement and student's program of study requirements. Prerequisite:    MBA 6040
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course will focus on the behavior of the individual firm in different market settings, competitive and imperfectly competitive. We are concerned with the strategic behavior of firms under different industry structures as they struggle with the pressures of competition. Students will study how differing levels of the firm's market power impacts pricing and output policies, product differentiation, and barriers to entry. In addition, the student will learn the basics of game theory and use it to analyze the strategic behavior of firms. Topics will include different types of pricing strategies including price discrimination, pricing of product lines, predatory pricing, peak load pricing, and entry deterrence. Issues of non-price competition such as research and development, information, externalities, moral hazard, and firm structure will also be discussed. The course includes both supplemental readings designed to illustrate real-world applications of the theoretical principles developed as well as in-class experiments in strategic behavior designed to illustrate certain theoretical conclusions. Additional foundation course work in economics may be required prior to course registration as per department advisement and student's program of study requirements. Prerequisite:    MBA 6040
  • 3.00 Credits

    The course provides foundational knowledge and practical application of international marketing principles and practices so as to prepare participants for entry-level marketing positions in the global context.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course will expose students to the strategic nature of leadership. Students will evaluate and discuss key principles and frameworks of leadership through the case method. Students will study leadership styles, situational leadership, personal leadership, and power & influence, as they relate to strategy.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course will provide a highly applied introduction to the interpersonal dynamics of leading and motivating others. Emphasis will be placed on the development and acquisition of key behaviors, skills, techniques and mental models for influencing others through sound people skills. By means of hands-on application, role-playing and "learning-by-doing" activities, students will learn to listen for understanding and insight; gain commitment rather than compliance; manage conflict; adapt their style to different people; apply influence skills in all directions; and develop insights into their impact on others.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course engages class participants in a detailed study of the practices, techniques, policies and applications of theory in investments. Emphasis will be on an understanding of security markets, analysis, asset allocation, portfolio management and evaluation. Students will examine and apply investment tools and evaluate financial policies. Cases and applied research in the form of outside readings will assist students to focus on key issues and current topics. Course work in finance may be required prior to course registration as per department advisement and student's program of study requirements. Prerequisite:    MBA 6130
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course integrates international travel and site visits with the study of international business topics. Through readings, assignments, discussions, and visits to important business and cultural sites in the destination countries, the course builds understanding and competence in international business practices and managing across cultures. This course entails travel expenses beyond regular tuition and may be repeated when offered to a different world region.
  • 3.00 Credits

    The Internet has become an important influence in the world. Business on the internet, in terms of operations, marketing, security, etc., has increased concomitantly in influence. This course will provide a foundation for understanding the possibilities and potential pitfalls for doing e-business. Recommended: MBA 6140 Marketing Strategy and MBA 6150 Logistics/Operations Management.
  • 3.00 Credits

    The purpose of this course is to provide opportunities for class participants to develop their negotiating abilities for use in organizational and other settings. The course is premised on the assumption that negotiating concepts are best learned through practice which is grounded in rigorous analysis and reflection. While theoretical principles and concepts from various reference disciplines (such as social psychology, sociology, and economics) will be presented through lectures and readings, this course will focus primarily on improving practical skills. Class participants will not only learn to enhance their individual abilities in dyadic and group situations, but also to analyze contexts for the most effective application of these skills.