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Course Search Results

  • 2.00 Credits

    This class will proceed via comparative analysis of culture, ethnicity, and family life in the United States reflecting social and political dynamics with extensive coverage of the family lifestyles, traditions, and values. Several American ethnic groups will be examined including historical background, key ethnic cultural components, traditional, and current ethnic family characteristics, and changes and adaptations to families and individuals. Emphasis will be made on how to address ethnocentrism, and serve families due to their various strengths and challenges.
  • 2.00 Credits

    This course is to prepare students to become family life coaches. The course covers topics from the foundational theories/models of coaching (positive psychology, cognitive behavioral coaching, and others), how to conduct coaching sessions, the delineation between counseling and coaching, and how to run a coaching business. Students will practice coaching with other students as well as with actual practice clients.
  • 2.00 Credits

    This theory-based course will provide students with hands-on skills and experiences that are vital for today's family life educators by reviewing and presenting family life education materials in both the classroom and among the community. This course also provides students with a number of teaching tools and philosophies considered key to becoming effective in the field of Family Life Education.
  • 2.00 Credits

    This course will provide students with the latest research and theory on developmentally appropriate practices for parents. Also, students will learn the theory- and research-based methods for educating parents.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course will introduce the student to theories and structures of family service organizations, best practices for planning, managing people, customer service models, working budgets and evaluating family service programs. Class discussions, case studies, and guest speakers will be used to help students understand the application of the basic concepts. Leadership styles will be examined as an overall context within which the management of family service programs occurs.
  • 1.00 - 4.00 Credits

    Practical synthesis and application of knowledge and skills gained in previous education courses. Students must have approval from the program director, and should follow specific graduate certificate in teaching program guidelines for prerequisites and other requirements. This course does not grant credit towards the MED degree, but is required for a teaching license in the state of Utah. This course may be repeated three (3) times for credit.
  • 6.00 Credits

    The student teaching experience is the culminating learning experience for the elementary licensure track. Student teaching is a time for developing one's classroom management style, instructional design, and collaborating with a mentor teacher. Student teaching is a rigorous experience, which is carefully planned, guided, assessed, and evaluated. It includes an orientation meeting and assignments to support key competencies. Offered CR/NC only; this course does not grant credit towards the MED degree but is required for a teaching license in the state of Utah. Prerequisite:    EDUC 5860 and MED 6020 and MED 6050 and MED 6110 and MED 6120 and MED 6265 and MED 6311 and MED 6312 and MED 6313 and MED 6314 and MED 6316 and MED 6860
  • 6.00 Credits

    The student teaching experience is the culminating learning experience for the secondary licensure track. Student teaching is a time for developing one's classroom management style, instructional design, and collaborating with a mentor teacher. Student teaching is a rigorous experience, which is carefully planned, guided, assessed, and evaluated. It includes an orientation meeting and assignments to support key competencies. Offered CR/NC only; this course does not grant credit towards the MED degree but is required for a teaching license in the state of Utah. Prerequisite:    MED 6020 and MED 6050 and MED 6060 and MED 6110 and MED 6120 and MED 6265 and MED 6320 and MED 6860
  • 6.00 Credits

    The student teaching experience is the culminating learning experience for the special education licensure track. Student teaching is a time for developing one's classroom management style, instructional design, and collaborating with a mentor teacher. Student teaching is a rigorous experience, which is carefully planned, guided, assessed, and evaluated. It includes an orientation meeting and assignments to support key competencies. Offered CR/NC only; this course does not grant credit towards the MED degree but is required for a teaching license in the state of Utah. Prerequisite:    MED 6050 and MED 6565 and MED 6575 and MED 6860
  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    Intended for the candidate who has special needs and who would benefit from an individual study program. Forms are available from Room ED 234 MEd program office and must be approved by the instructor and the Director at time of registration.