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Course Search Results

  • 3.00 Credits

    An exploration of the role of multi-national corporations in worldwide economic development and an analysis of the management processes of such corporations. Prerequisite:    BSAD 2899 and GSBE 0
  • 3.00 Credits

    An exploration of the internationalization of economies and the analysis of international decision-making. Focus is internationalization as the central challenge for management. This course is taught at Fachhochschule Hof, Germany during each fall semester. Students enrolled in this course have to participate in the Study Abroad Program (Contact: Doris Geide-Stevenson, ext. 7634, Prerequisite:    BSAD 2899 and GSBE 0 and MGMT 3010
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course considers issues in communication, negotiation and culture in international business relations. Topics include the role of language and nonverbal communication, contrasting cultural values and using sources of information on the culture of international business. Prerequisite:    BSAD 2899 and GSBE 0
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is about getting things done through the use of influence. The course emphasizes influencing others and influencing a situation. Power and other forms of influence are studied in-depth. Topics also include an examination of group behavior in work setting and the management of work groups. All stages of group development are studied from the forming stage of a group to its development as a high performance, self managed team. Prerequisite:    COMM 3550 and HAS 3260 and MGMT 3010
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is intended to provide the student with a basic working knowledge of compensation and benefits as an important part of the broader Human Resources field. The topics to be covered include: benefits management, job analysis, job evaluation, performance appraisal and recognition, and different approaches to employee compensation. The course is also designed to assist the student in their preparation for professional certification examinations in related areas. Prerequisite:    BSAD 2899 and GSBE 0 and MGMT 3300
  • 3.00 Credits

    Designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively analyze and project organizational staffing requirements, recruit and select candidates, and effectively place employees in today's complex organizations. Includes treatment of legal aspects of staffing process. Prerequisite:    BSAD 2899 and GSBE 0 and MGMT 3300
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is designed to provide prospective human resource managers with an understanding of the applicable theory and with the "tools" required to effectively manage the training function within an organization. Prerequisite:    BSAD 2899 and GSBE 0 and MGMT 3300
  • 3.00 Credits

    An in-depth study of leadership and organizational behavior. Focus is on the structural and behavioral variables that are most significant for organizational effectiveness. Both theory and application are emphasized. Prerequisite:    COMM 3550 and HAS 3260 and MGMT 3010
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course will provide students access to the concepts and skills to possess the competencies, commitment, emotional intelligence and character to be effective leaders. While competencies and commitment are important, character plays a critical role in leadership behavior and will be the focus of this course. By character it is meant the combination of traits, values and virtues that are recognized as admired and appreciated in leaders, providing them with the expertise to exercise quality of judgment and decision-making. For example, in the financial crisis of 2008 - 2009 some corporate leaders' needs for instant gratification triumphed over temperance; and others who knew ethical risks were taken remained silent because they did not have the skills or courage to speak up. A component of this course is to explore the fundamentals of corporate governance, emphasizing the leader's responsibility to make ethical, socially responsible, legal, and wise financial decisions on behalf of the organization. We will explore a number of corporate examples that demonstrate positive and negative character development. Effective corporate governance requires leaders know the purpose or values of the organization, design the space of the organization to achieve its purpose, organize the flow of power within the organization, and manage the relationships of the key stakeholders in the organization: owners, directors, managers, employees, customers, suppliers, regulators, and the wider community of which the organization is a member. The skills and knowledge acquired in this course are transferable to other areas of life including one's community service and interaction with family and friends. Prerequisite:    COMM 3550 and HAS 3260 and MGMT 3010
  • 3.00 Credits

    The purpose of this course is to apply a well-rounded and experiential learning process to developing critical thinking skills for leaders. Course topics are broad and include the major branches of philosophy, the nature of thinking and knowledge, the formation of beliefs, perceptual biases, cognitive biases, the nature of memory, the structure and purpose of argument, logic and logical fallacies, the practice of street epistemology, probabilities and statistics, culture and mass delusions, the philosophy of science, the scientific method, skepticism, and pseudoscience. Application of critical thinking skills will target the human side of business in areas most relevant to leaders - leading, decision making, influence, conflict management and the development of conceptual skills and human capital. Prerequisite:    COMM 3550 and HAS 3260 and MGMT 3010