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Course Search Results

  • 0.00 - 4.00 Credits

    Microbial Ecology is the study of microorganisms in their natural habitats and their interactions with other living organisms. Topics explored in this course include the evolution of life on Earth, the diversity of microorganisms, microbial biogeography, symbiotic microbial interactions, and biogeochemical cycles. Current and historical research in microbial ecology is emphasized throughout the course. The laboratory experiments may involve isolating, identifying, and studying novel microorganisms from unique environments, studying environmental microbiomes, finding novel antibiotic producing organisms, and modeling biogeochemical cycles. Experimental techniques used in the laboratory involve advanced methods of cultivation, molecular identification techniques, and chemical assays. This course consists of 3 one-hour lectures and 1 three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite:    CHEM 1210 and MICR 2054
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course will focus on the study of the human immune system and its role in health and disease. The course topics include the innate and adaptive immune responses and their role in host defense as well as immunodeficiency and hypersensitivity responses. Manipulation of the immune system through pharmacological means, vaccination or transplantation will also be studied. This course is intended for the student studying Medical Lab Sciences or someone who wants to know more about the human immune system and who has already taken a course in Microbiology. The course is not intended as a first course in biology and it cannot be used as a Microbiology elective course for Microbiology majors. This course is only offered online with the exception of Fall Semester which also offers a face-to-face option consisting of 3 one-hour lectures per week.
  • 0.00 - 4.00 Credits

    This course will focus on the study of the human immune system and its role in heath and disease. The course topics include the innate and adaptive immune responses and their role in host defense as well as immunodeficiency and hypersensitivity responses. Manipulation of the immune system through pharmacological means, vaccination or transplantation will also be studied. This course consists of 3 one-hour lectures and 1 three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite:    MICR 2054
  • 0.00 - 5.00 Credits

    Characteristics of clinically relevant pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and other microbes. From the point of view of the microbe, topics will include pathogenesis, virulence factors and toxins, mechanisms of immune evasion, and unique biological features. From the point of view of the human host, we will discuss epidemiology, disease symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and control. Prerequisite:    MICR 2054
  • 2.00 Credits

    A practical introduction to the literature and information resources of the life sciences. Students will expand their research skills and be able to develop effective research strategies to find and synthesize information available in academic libraries. Cross listed in Botany, Library Sciences and Zoology. Two lecture hours per week. Cross listed with Botany and Zoology. Prerequisite:    ENGL 102 and ENGL 112 and ENGL 2010
  • 0.00 - 3.00 Credits

    Study of tropical diseases, caused by viral, bacterial, protozoan, fungal, and helminthic agents, including their transmission, disease course, pathogenesis, treatment, prevention, and control using a multi-disciplinary approach integrating case studies, labs, epidemiology, immunopathology as well as microbiology. Prerequisite:    MICR 2054
  • 0.00 - 4.00 Credits

    Applied, environmental microbiology and biotechnology including transport of microorganisms through environment, microbial pathogens, and toxins in the environment. Biodeterioration, contamination control, and biosafety. Pollution microbiology, environmental management, bioremediation, waste treatment, biological insecticides. Microbiology of man-made environments. This course consists of 3 one-hour lectures and 1 three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite:    CHEM 1210 and MICR 2054
  • 2.00 Credits

    Air and water quality, solid and hazardous waste management, food protection, environmental inspection, and testing. This course consists of 1 two-hour lecture per week. Prerequisite:    MICR 1113 and MICR 2054
  • 3.00 Credits

    A thorough investigation of research in science learning and curricular standards at the state and national levels. Foundations of the philosophy of science and scientific inquiry as applicable to science teaching at the secondary level. This course serves as a foundation to a preservice science teacher?s education coursework.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Characteristics of microorganisms and parasites - emphasizing mechanisms by which they cause disease in humans. Intended for students in the Clinical Laboratory Sciences program and those working in that field. The course is not intended as a first course in biology and it cannot be used as a Microbiology elective course for Microbiology majors. This course is only offered online.