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Course Search Results

  • 3.00 Credits

    Required for Theatre Performance and Teaching Majors. Non-majors should enroll in THEA CA 1033. Students in this course will demonstrate a knowledge of and an ability to integrate fundamental acting principles and analysis skills into performance. Students will develop professional work habits of dependability, promptness, cooperation, a sense of ensemble, and the ability to make independent choices. Prerequisite:    THEA 1030 and THEA 1063
  • 3.00 Credits

    A practical investigation of stage makeup techniques and skills of design and application. A lab fee is required for this class.
  • 3.00 Credits

    An introductory course focusing on plot, character, language, and thematic analysis of varied historical and modern performance texts in the context of contemporary staging practice. This course teaches play analysis from a practical perspective. For students who intend to perform, direct, and design within the collaborative production process. Recommended Co-requisite: THEA 1033. Prerequisite:    THEA 1063
  • 3.00 Credits

    Introduction to stage costume: with lectures, demonstrations and projects to introduce the basic materials, fabrics, costume construction methods, costume history, and design principles and procedures for theatrical costumes. A lab fee is required for this class for costume studio materials.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This introductory course gives students a foundation in lighting design for the stage. Students will develop an ability to "see" light in new ways, both natural and artificial, and the role light plays in storytelling and on the overall composition of the visual world of the performing arts. Students will also learn technical aspects of lighting equipment, control systems, and computer drafting.
  • 3.00 Credits

    For the intermediate and advanced student actor, this course places primary emphasis on the development of characterization techniques through participation in physical and vocal exercises. Focus will be on a variety of stylistic scene work including Greek Theatre and Shakespeare. Prerequisite:    THEA 1030 and THEA 1220
  • 3.00 Credits

    A practical exploration of the research and construction techniques used to create contemporary and historic costumes for the stage. A lab fee is required for this class for costume studio materials. Typically Taught Spring of even years.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course will be a practical study of the role and duties of a dramaturg in a production as well as a critic reviewing a finished work. Work will include all facets of dramaturgy: historical research, script analysis, audience outreach, and lobby displays. A completed Dramaturgy workbook for a proposed play or practical work on a department play will be the final assignment.
  • 3.00 Credits

    A practical study of stage management techniques necessary for efficient theatre production. A conceptual overview of the rehearsal and performance process will be stressed, including an overview of management techniques as applied to the performing arts in general. Front of house management and company management will be studied. Typically Taught Fall of odd years.
  • 3.00 Credits

    A practical study of acting methods unique to the discipline of musical theatre. Emphasis will be placed on the interpretation of modern musical theatre, literature through imagery, action, characterization, and analysis of the score and libretto. Prerequisite: THEA 2033 and admittance to the Musical Theatre program. Prerequisite:    THEA 2033