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  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is designed to introduce students to the elements of user experience design for the web and mobile. The following topics will be covered: history of user experience, user centric design, agile development, user interface best practices for web and mobile applications, and analytics. Using current technologies and tools, students will create a basic web or mobile application.
  • 4.00 Credits

    This course provides an introduction to client-side programming and Web page development. Subjects covered include responsive Web page design and dynamic Web page development. The course will explore various technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript client-side programming, and an introduction to a JavaScript framework. Prerequisite:    CS 1030 and CS 1400
  • 3.00 Credits

    Strategies and techniques for managing a project from inception to completion to meet all schedule, cost, and technical objectives. Knowledge and skills learned in this course prepare students to perform successfully the role of a project manager in any construction, engineering, health, information technology, business, or research and development project, although emphasis will be on project management applied to Software Engineering. Topics include organizational structures, project planning and evaluation, cost estimating, quantitative methods in schedule and cost management, project information systems, communication skills, and conflict resolution.
  • 4.00 Credits

    General principles of common data structures and design of efficient algorithms. Topics include: arrays, linked-lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, tables, storage and retrieval structures, searching, sorting, hashing, and algorithmic analysis. Emphasis will be on abstraction, efficiency, re-usable code, and object-oriented implementation. Prerequisite:    CS 1410 and MATH 1050 and MATH 1080 and MATH 1210
  • 4.00 Credits

    An Object Oriented Analysis and Design course which provides practical guidance on the construction of object-oriented systems. Its specific goals are to provide a sound understanding of the fundamental concepts of the Software Development Life-Cycle, to teach quality design and development style through applications of object-oriented project development within a variety of problem domains, and provide coverage of current Software Engineering models and diagramming techniques. Prerequisite:    CS 1410
  • 4.00 Credits

    This course is an introduction to databases, specifically focusing on the relational database model, database design and modeling and the structured query language (SQL). Students will become proficient at formulating data query requests using SQL and will also gain experience in database normalization and entity-relationship modeling.
  • 4.00 Credits

    An introduction to current technologies of modern responsive web design techniques, combining CSS3 and Bootstrap with the popular Angular.js, jQuery and jQuery Mobile utility frameworks, to create rich web sites that adapt to a wide range of client devices. Cross listed with WEB 2630. Prerequisite:    CS 2350
  • 4.00 Credits

    Provide an understanding of the basic networking terminology. This will cover the theory of networking, types of network protocols, and wide and local area networks. The student should have a good understanding of network terminology at the completion of the course. Prerequisite:    CS 1030 and CS 1400 and NET 1030 and WEB 1030
  • 4.00 Credits

    This course provides participants with a working knowledge of the Windows Operating System. The students will develop applications to run under Windows, using the C/C++ languages. Concepts of Memory Management, DLLs, Resources, and Child Window development will be emphasized. The course also introduces the student to the use of OLE controls and MFC architecture. Prerequisite:    CS 1220 and CS 1410
  • 1.00 - 4.00 Credits

    The purpose of this course is to permit Computer Science majors to develop an individual project, program, system, or research paper, with coordination and approval of a faculty mentor. The final grade and amount of credit awarded will be determined by the department, depending on the complexity of the upper division work performed. Note: Only 4 credit hours of either CS 2800 or CS 2890 can apply to a CS degree as an elective course, and only a maximum of 6 hours of both CS 2800 and CS 2890 may be taken to satisfy missing credits or to achieve full time academic status. Prerequisite:    CS 1220 and CS 1410