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Course Search Results

  • 4.00 Credits

    Intermediate topics related to microelectronics including differential and multistage amplifiers, frequency response, feedback systems, power amplifiers, filters, and signal generation. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities to include the design, construction, computer simulation, and analysis of filters and advanced circuits. Prerequisite:    ECE 2260 and ECE 3110 and EE 3110
  • 4.00 Credits

    Topics related to the analysis of linear time invariant continuous and discrete systems and signal transformations, convolution, frequency spectra, Laplace transforms, Z transforms, and fast Fourier transforms. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities to include the computer simulation, analysis, and numerical modeling of signals and systems. Prerequisite:    ECE 2260 and ENGR 2240 and MATH 2250 and MATH 2270 and MATH 2280
  • 4.00 Credits

    An introduction to electrostatics, magnetostatics and Maxwell's equations with specific applications to wave propagation and transmission line theory. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities to include the design, construction, and analysis of RF radar subsystems. Prerequisite:    ECE 1270 and ECE 2210 and MATH 2210 and PHYS 2220
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course covers basic concepts and techniques of probability theory with applications to statistics, machine learning, and signal processing. Topics include probabilistic modeling and analysis, confidence intervals, and statistical inference. Example problems are drawn from engineering applications and include both analytic and computational solutions. Prerequisite:    ECE 1400 and MATH 1220
  • 4.00 Credits

    A study of AC and DC power systems and machines, including single and 3-phase power, power factor and correction, transformers, synchronous and induction machines, DC motors, power transmission lines, and analysis of power flow and faults. Lecture and Lab combination. Prerequisite:    ECE 1270 and ECE 2210
  • 4.00 Credits

    Introduction to microprocessor architecture, arithmetic logic units, memory systems, input/output interfaces, peripheral devices, and communication. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities to include the programming and operation of microprocessor circuits. Prerequisite:    CS 1410 and CS 2250 and ECE 1400 and ECE 2700 and EE 2700
  • 4.00 Credits

    Design and implementation of a microcontroller or microprocessor embedded system including assembly language programming, interfacing to peripherals, interrupt handling and debugging techniques. Lecture and Lab. Laboratory exercises build toward a final embedded systems project. Prerequisite:    CS 1410 and CS 2250 and CS 2810 and ECE 1400 and ECE 2700 and ENGL 3100 and PS 3250
  • 1.00 Credits

    This is a core course that is required for the BS Engineering degree. ECE 3890 can be taken a maximum of three times for a total of three credits, but only one credit counts toward the major. The student will need department approval before being allowed to register.
  • 2.00 Credits

    Students will be required to complete a 300-hour engineering project (over two semesters) in a team environment. Project management and problem solving techniques will be emphasized. Topics to include goal setting, developing milestone charts, writing contracts, conducting research, project design and construction, testing and analysis, project documentation, and design review presentations. Before seeking departmental approval, students should be currently enrolled in ECE 3090 and should have taken at least four 3000-level core ECE courses, MATH 3410, and either ENGL 3100 or PS 3250. Exceptions to this rule are made only if a student's graduation would otherwise be delayed.
  • 2.00 Credits

    A continuation of Senior Project I. Students will be required to complete a significant engineering project in a team environment. Project management and problem solving techniques will be emphasized. Topics to include goal setting, developing milestone charts, writing contracts, conducting research, project design and construction, testing and analysis, project documentation, and design review presentations. Prerequisite:    ECE 4010 and EE 4010