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Course Search Results

  • 1.00 - 4.00 Credits

    The students will receive credit for approved studies in the Electrical & Computer Engineering programs. A maximum of four credits can count as an elective course in the Electrical & Computer Engineering programs.
  • 1.00 - 4.00 Credits

    A one-time special study course designed to introduce a new relevant topic that is not covered in the Electrical & Computer Engineering programs. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities support the selected course topic. A maximum of four credits can be counted for the Electrical & Computer Engineering program.
  • 2.00 - 6.00 Credits

    Students are required to complete a substantial engineering design project. Students must demonstrate proficiency in research, design, analysis, project planning, implementation, testing, presentation and documentation. Students receive T (temporary) grades until their final design review, after which these grades are changed retroactively. Students must be enrolled in ECE 6010 at the time of their final design review. This course may be repeated.
  • 2.00 - 6.00 Credits

    Students are required to perform original research that results in a thesis under the direction of a faculty advisor. Students receive T (temporary) grades until their thesis defense, after which these grades are changed retroactively. Students must be enrolled in ECE 6020 at the time of their thesis defense. This course may be taken 3 times and up to 9 credits.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Introduction to Digital VLSI design. Includes the development of standard cell library of common CMOS circuits. Use of hardware description language and CAD tools for the design and simulation of custom large-scale digital systems. Students will understand the impacts and tradeoffs from speed, power consumption, and thermal properties of large-scale custom ICs. Prerequisite:    ECE 3110 and ECE 3610 and EE 3610
  • 3.00 Credits

    Design of analog VLSI systems. Course includes design, modeling, and verification of analog circuits in large-scale systems. Students will develop custom analog system designs utilizing CAD programs. Prerequisite:    ECE 3120
  • 3.00 Credits

    Introduction to advanced semiconductor physics and devices. Topics include carrier transport theory, energy band diagrams, PN junctions, metal-semiconductor junctions, BJTs and MOSFETs. Study of current semiconductor process technologies and discussion of off-roadmap technologies. Prerequisite:    ECE 3110 and EE 3110 and PHYS 2220
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course introduces a host of sensor technologies from both theoretical and practical perspectives. A study of the electronics for sensor signal conditioning will be complemented by lectures on the principles and operation of various sensor modalities including pressure, thermal, strain, displacement, inertial, magnetic field, optical, coustic, and/or bio-medical. Students will be introduced to precision analog circuit architectures, noise analysis, and signal processing algorithms commonly used in data acquisition systems. Prerequisite:    ECE 3110
  • 3.00 Credits

    Thin films are shaping the future of electronic devices. Understanding how materials are grown and characterized is vital to understanding and mitigating limitations in device design. This course focuses on the materials used to create state of the art ultra-thin device quality layers and coatings as well as how they are grown, characterized, and then used in fabrication processes for electronic devices such as transistors. Prerequisite:    ECE 3430 and MATH 3410 and PHYS 2220
  • 3.00 Credits

    Theory, application, and implementation of digital signal processing (DSP) concepts, from the design and implementation perspective. Topics include: Fast Fourier transforms, adaptive filters, state-space algorithms, random signals, and spectral estimation. Prerequisite:    ECE 3210 and EE 3210