3.00 Credits
Required of students pursuing a degree or emphasis in Accounting. Covers accounting for current and long-term assets, including accounts receivable, inventories, operating assets, and investments; accounting for current and long-term liabilities, including contingent liabilities, debt securities, and leases; and accounting for equity transactions, including capital stock issuance and reacquisition, stock rights and options, and dividends. Inclusive Access Course Material (electronic book) fees may apply, see Fees tab under each course section for details. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Solve present value problems to determine, bond price, lease payment, and pension obligations. 2. Identify and determine the costs included in initial valuation of property, plant and equipment, including self-constructed assets and those acquired through exchange. 3. Compare different depreciation methods, including activity methods, straight-line methods, and decreasing-charge methods and explain the accounting related to asset impairment and gain/loss contingency. 4. Apply the methods of bond discount and premium amortization, including effective interest method and straight-line method. 5. Identify and account for operating and capitalization methods of recording leases for both lessee and lessor. 6. Use temporary differences that result in future taxable and future deductible amounts and their treatment in the financial statements. 7. Identify types of pension plans and the components of pension expense. 8. Identify and account for the components of stockholders' equity including calculating earning per share in basic and complex capital structures. 9. Construct financial statements and develop full and fair disclosures based on GAAP. 10. Exercise professional judgment to differentiate and employ GAAP technical concepts to construct and present financial statements, including balance sheet, income statement, statement of retained earnings and statement of cashflows, along with the related disclosures. 11. Research accounting issues and related authoritative accounting technical resources to illustrate the application of GAAP and IFRS accounting principles. Prerequisites: ACCT 3010 and ACCT 3001. FA SP