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Course Search Results

  • 2.00 Credits

    Online course covering fundamental and working knowledge of scientific method employed in oral health research. Students will perform critical analysis of research utilizing scientific method and evidence-based publications. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Discuss how dental hygiene research impacts the profession and practice of dental hygiene. 2. Describe the scientific method and research process. 3. Discuss different research designs and when each is appropriate to use. 4. Explain how an Evidence-based Decision Making approach enhances critical thinking and professional decision-making regarding patient care. 5. Conduct an effective literature search using electronic databases, professional journals, government documents, product literature and other "paper" publications. 6. Critically analyze published reports of oral health and apply this information to the practice of dental hygiene. 7. Demonstrate the ability to communicate professional knowledge in writing. Prerequisite: Admission to the Utah Tech University Dental Hygiene program. SU
  • 2.00 Credits

    Online course focusing on the theories, concepts, and principles of leadership; emphasizes the development of leadership skills related to personal behavior, communication, organization, and self-examination; and explores the opportunity to develop leadership roles appropriate to the dental hygiene profession. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Apply leadership theories, concepts, and principles as leaders in the community, as a student, volunteer, or employee. 2. Demonstrate critical and creative thinking about the role of leadership in today's society. Prerequisite: Admission to the Utah Tech University Dental Hygiene program. SU
  • 2.00 Credits

    Advanced dental hygiene theory with emphasis on periodontal disease, periodontal treatment planning, maintenance procedures, surgical procedures, related systemic diseases and therapy. This course is designated as an Active Learning Professional Practice (ALPP) course. This course allows students to explore and apply content learned in the course in a professional experience away from the classroom. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Use the five-step process for finding and evaluating clinical evidence to make informed decisions for evidence-based practice. 2. Differentiate between non-surgical periodontal therapy and periodontal surgical therapy. 3. Plan for and provide individualized periodontal maintenance therapy that is based on therapy results and that contains components that are standard of care. 4. Assess signs and symptoms of: a) necrotizing periodontal diseases, b) periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease, c) other conditions affecting the periodontium, d) peri-implant diseases and conditions; and collaborate with other health care professionals in the provision of care for patients with these diseases and conditions. 5. Describe the role of the dental hygienist in the provision of care for the oral and maxillofacial surgery patient. 6. Apply self-assessment skills. 7. Apply the dental hygiene process of care in the provision of non-surgical periodontal therapy for a patient with periodontitis. Course fee required. Prerequisites: Admission to the Utah Tech University Dental Hygiene program. FA
  • 1.00 Credits

    Clinical application of expanded duties for the dental hygienist, including anesthesia, placing and removing rubber dams; matrix and wedge; placing bases and liners; placing, carving, and finishing amalgam restorations; placing and finishing tooth-colored restorations; placing temporary restorations; and four-handed dentistry. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate appropriate use and care of restorative armamentarium. 2. Explain the necessity of checking the patient's functional occlusion before and after placing and carving a restoration. 3. Demonstrate the basic placement and carving steps for both amalgam and composite restorations. 4. Articulate the most common errors made when placing, carving and manipulating both amalgam and composite materials - and how to both avoid these errors and correct them if they occur. 5. Demonstrate placement of rubber dams on a typodont. Course fee required. Prerequisites: Admission to the Utah Tech University Dental Hygiene program. FA
  • 2.00 Credits

    This blended (hybrid) course explores the public health paradigm on the general policies, philosophies and current public/community health issues. Emphasis is placed on assessment of oral health needs, planning and evaluation of oral health promotion and disease prevention programs. Explores complex issues related to the delivery of healthcare both on a national level and individually to populations with unique socialization and clinical needs. Cultural diversity and cultural care is explored for a broad range of populations. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Identify effective assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation objectives for dental public health programs. 2. Administer oral health indices, tests, inventories, interviews or other data gathering methods to assess the oral health status and oral health needs of a defined population. 3. Design an oral health project utilizing the models, steps and procedures involved in planning an effective community oral health program based on the needs and resources of a defined population. 4. Display understanding and sensitivity to the health care needs of the community. 5. Define and describe the term social responsibility and the role of the dental hygiene professional in the context of the greater society. 6. Discuss the responsibility of the dental hygienist with respect to cultural competence and the role in cultural care in public health. 7. Critique, synthesize and apply information from scientific and lay sources to improve the public's oral health. 8. Define health literacy and oral health literacy for the health care provider and dental public health professional and explain strategies to communicate more clearly with patients, the public, or community. 9. Demonstrate the ability to communicate and collaborate with relevant stakeholders to advocate for policies that impact oral and general health for individuals or populations. Course fee required. Prerequisites: Admission to the Utah Tech University Dental Hygiene program. SP
  • 1.00 Credits

    This course emphasizes community oral health field activity with practical experience in assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of a public oral health program in a variety of community or public health settings. Additional experiential opportunities explore the professional roles of the dental hygienist in inter-professional healthcare settings and with diverse population groups. This course is designated as an Active Learning Community Service (ALCS) course. Students provide service in areas of public concern in a way that is mutually beneficial for both the student and community. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Design, implement and evaluate lesson plans during service-learning rotations. 2. Administer oral health information to a variety of child and adult communities. 3. Administer dental hygiene treatment in a public health setting. 4. Discuss the role of a public health dental hygienist in a public health setting. Course fee required. Prerequisites: Admission to the Utah Tech University Dental Hygiene program. SP
  • 5.00 Credits

    Service Learning course. Supervised experience in the clinical setting with continued development of clinical proficiency and decision making in rendering comprehensive preventive oral health services using dental hygiene processes. Emphasis on clinical appreciation and development of skills in maintenance, management and evaluation of the periodontal patient; treatment planning; disease control; scaling and root planning for the periodontally involved patient; and increased treatment in the expanded duties of the dental hygienist. This course is designated as an Active Learning Community Service (ALCS) course. Students provide service in areas of public concern in a way that is mutually beneficial for both the student and community. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Develop a dental hygiene diagnosis and individualized treatment plan by applying theory to collected assessment data. 2. Describe individualized treatment plans to instructors and patients and obtain informed consent from the patient. 3. Apply and document all aspects of the individualized dental hygiene treatment plan including patient education and treatment outcomes. 4. Demonstrate operation and maintenance of dental equipment. 5. Practice infection control measures based on the theory of disease transmission. 6. Demonstrate detection and removal skills for supragingival and subgingival calculus and biofilm. 7. Demonstrate technique and interpretation skills with dental radiograph exposures. 8. Write a self-evaluation: identifying areas for improvement. 9. Apply written clinical policies and procedures as documented in the Utah TechDH Policies and Procedures Manual. Course fee required. Prerequisites: Admission to the Utah Tech University Dental Hygiene program. SP
  • 2.00 Credits

    Designed to transition students into diverse employment settings. Study of clinical care for the disabled and physically and mentally impaired patient. Students will also learn the principles of practice management, how to work with a team, common employee and employer expectation, how to construct an effective resume and learn the process of a working and standard interview. Future trends in oral health care and their impact on the profession of dental hygiene will also be examined. This course is designated as an Active Learning Professional Practice (ALPP) course. This course allows students to explore and apply content learned in the course in a professional experience away from the classroom. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Analyze aspects of practice management as it relates to the dental hygiene practice. 2. Investigate the business of dental hygiene. 3. Apply the steps to seeking a dental hygiene position. 4. Summarize the importance of planning for the future and career longevity. 5. Practice motivational interviewing techniques for improved patient compliance to oral home care recommendations. 6. Demonstrate treatment modifications necessary for the mentally and physically impaired patient. 7. Evaluate and report on the treatment outcomes of a periodontally involved patient. Course fee required. Prerequisites: Admission to the Utah Tech University Dental Hygiene program. SP
  • 1.00 Credits

    Continuation and amplification of skills developed in DHYG 4050, emphasizing clinical experience in restorative expanded functions and four-handed dentistry. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Explain the necessity of checking the patient's functional occlusion before and after placing and carving a restoration. 2. Demonstrate the basic placement and carving steps for both amalgam and composite restorations. 3. Demonstrate placement of dental dams on patients. 4. Demonstrate the proper use of a wedge. 5. Demonstrate the placement of the Mylar, Sectional and Toffelmire matrix systems with correct adaptation, contour and contact. 6. Apply the principles of four handed dentistry; patient, operator, and assistant positioning; and four-handed instrument transfer. Course fee required. Prerequisites: Admission to the Utah Tech University Dental Hygiene program. SP
  • 3.00 Credits

    The Community Oral Health Senior Project will provide students with the opportunity to apply knowledge, skills and values attained during the program curriculum to demonstrate competency required for Institutional Learning Outcomes and Program Learning Outcomes. This hybrid course will help students gain knowledge in adult learning and instructional design as they develop a lesson plan that will be presented to an adult population in need of oral health education. Students will apply evaluation techniques to assess the learning of their population as well as their own learning. This course is designated as an Active Learning Civic Engagement (ALCE) course. Students will be working to make a difference in the civic life of our community through both political and nonpolitical processes. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Design a capstone project to address the oral health care needs of a target population. 2. Apply effective communication skills while working with a community partner in the implementation of community oral health project. 3. Discuss how to effectively teach adult learners. 4. Design and develop an instructional module including goals, learning objectives, and outcomes. 5. Analyze measures of central tendency to evaluate the oral health knowledge and behavior of a target population. 6. Demonstrate mastery of the Utah TechDH BS Program Learning Outcomes in conjunction with the Utah Tech Institutional Learning Outcomes. Prerequisite: Admission to the Utah Tech University Dental Hygiene program. SP