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Course Search Results

  • 3.00 Credits

    Required prerequisite course for both the Elementary Education degree and the Secondary Education program. Stresses research-based teaching/learning principles used in a classroom setting to enhance learning. Students will demonstrate knowledge about the nature of learning, human brain growth, the impact of brain research, child and adolescent development and how the brain processes information. An emphasis is placed on how teacher candidates can apply the theories and practices of educational psychology to daily teaching practices. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Identify key theorists and summarize their contributions to education and/or educational psychology. 2. Demonstrate the importance of educational research, using APA format to describe and analyze findings of research studies. 3. Demonstrate knowledge of learning theories, developmental theories, and motivational theories. 4. Apply those theories to the design, implementation, and evaluation of daily teaching practices and educational interventions. 5. Observe in classroom settings to determine connections between educational research and actual classroom practices. Prerequisites: FSHD 1500, or PSY 1010, or PSY 1100. FA, SP, SU
  • 3.00 Credits

    Required for all Special Education majors. Teacher candidates will learn effective practices and strategies to support children with disabilities learning to read and write. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Recall the general scope and content of literacy instruction. 2. Interpret and apply the general principles of effective instruction in literacy lessons including principles of planning, organization, explicit instruction, feedback, and assessment in order to meet the needs of diverse students through grade 12. 3. Plan literacy instruction in the intermediate grades and beyond in the following areas: Decoding, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension. 4. Apply the principles of literacy instruction in the following areas: decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension with students in grades 3-12. Prerequisites: Admission to the Utah Tech University Special Education program. FA, SP
  • 0.50 - 3.00 Credits

    For students wishing instruction that is not available through other regularly scheduled courses in this discipline. Occasionally, either students request some type of non-traditional instruction, or an unanticipated opportunity for instruction presents itself. This seminar course provides a variable credit context for these purposes. As requirements, this seminar course must first be pre-approved by the department chair; second, it must provide at least nine contact hours of lab or lecture for each credit offered; and third, it must include some academic project or paper (i.e., credit is not given for attendance alone). This course may include standard lectures, travel and field trips, guest speakers, laboratory exercises, or other nontraditional instruction methods. Note that this course in an elective and does not fulfill general education or program requirements. Fees may be required for some seminar courses and instructor permission will be optional at the request of the instructor. For international travel, see for additional travel costs that may apply. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate learning through original and creative ideas. 2. Collaborate with others to accomplish a shared purpose or goal. 3. Use appropriate strategies and tools to represent, analyze, and integrate seminar-specific knowledge. 4. Develop the ability to think critically about course content. 5. Apply knowledge from seminar to a range of contexts, problems, and solutions.
  • 3.00 Credits

    For those seeking Dual Immersion Education endorsement. Emphasizes the theoretical and practical background about Dual Immersion Education. Overview of Dual Language Immersion Education, program models, teaching and learning issues in Dual Language Immersion Programs, and challenges of Dual Language Immersion Programs will be addressed to assist the success of prospective immersion teachers in the classroom. Eligible languages include Spanish, French, Mandarin Chinese, German, and Portuguese. This course meets partial requirements for the Dual Language Immersion Endorsement for the state of Utah. Dual listed with HUM 4000 and SPAN 4000 (students may only take one course for credit). **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Discuss theoretical principles and research findings that underlie dual language and immersion education. 2. Explain differences and similarities between one-way, two-way, developmental bilingual, and indigenous language immersion programs. 3. Summarize key principles of first and second language in dual language and immersion classrooms. 4. Discuss the social and political contexts for dual language education and their implications for classrooms and programs. 5. Synthesize lessons that can be learned from dual language and immersion programs around the world and based on class observations in the DLI schools in the local school district. FA
  • 0.50 - 3.00 Credits

    For students wishing instruction that is not available through other regularly scheduled courses in this discipline. Occasionally, either students request some type of non-traditional instruction, or an unanticipated opportunity for instruction presents itself. This seminar course provides a variable credit context for these purposes. As requirements, this seminar course must first be pre-approved by the department chair; second, it must provide at least nine contact hours of lab or lecture for each credit offered; and third, it must include some academic project or paper (i.e., credit is not given for attendance alone). This course may include standard lectures, travel and field trips, guest speakers, laboratory exercises, or other nontraditional instruction methods. Note that this course in an elective and does not fulfill general education or program requirements. Fees may be required for some seminar courses and instructor permission will be optional at the request of the instructor. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate learning through original and creative ideas. 2. Collaborate with others to accomplish a shared purpose or goals. 3. Use appropriate strategies and tools to represent, analyze, and integrate seminar-specific knowledge. 4. Develop the ability to think critically about course content. 5. Apply knowledge from seminar to a range of contexts, problems, and solutions.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course will develop a firm problem-solving foundation. Using skills and strategies applied in mathematical contexts practicing teachers will learn to gather data, work with others, present solutions orally to the whole class, and write up detailed solutions. This course will also provide practicing teachers a deeper understanding of probability and data representation and analysis. Special attention in this course will be given to children's typical error patterns, problem solving strategies, interpreting and assessing students' work and learning, and integration of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Process Standards and the Standards for Mathematical Practice. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Select appropriate strategies to solve a problem. 2. Solve challenging mathematical problems in groups and individually. 3. Write problem-solving summaries, communicate orally solution processes and conclusions, and improve collaboration skills. 4. Communicate data analysis and problem-solving strategies orally, visually, and in writing, as well as facilitate effective discourse in a positive mathematics learning environment. 5. Collect and organize data using tally marks, tables, pictographs, bar graphs, line graphs, frequency tables, line plots, stem-and-leaf plots, circle graphs, scatter plots, histograms, and box-and-whisker plots. 6. Select and interpret measures of central tendency (e.g. mean, median, and mode, including the impact of outliers). 7. Select and interpret measures of dispersion (e.g. range, variance, standard deviation, percentiles). 8. Identify and apply concepts of probability including: likely, unlikely, certain, impossible, sample space, experimental and theoretical, and recognition of probability as a value between 0 and 1. 9. Conduct experiments with and without replacement and compare theoretical and experimental probabilities. 10. Analyze misrepresentation and misleading data that exists in the real world, in order to become informed "consumers" of data. 11. Develop lesson plans including assessments to teach to your own students that incorporate the above outcomes as appropriate to your grade level. 12. Develop a unit test using a test blueprint. 13. Record reflections on how your mathematical and pedagogical thinking changes over the course of the semester. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
  • 3.00 Credits

    In this course participants will experience introductory explorations of the nature of science using science and engineering principles, practices, and processes. Applications to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics will be explored using learner-based pedagogy. Participants will develop teaching practices to assist them in educating K-6 students in selected Earth and Life Science Standards. As appropriate and available, STEM content professors will be involved in the instruction of this course. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Develop a deeper understanding of the nature of science and engineering through using scientific understanding and engineering solutions for topics relative to climate change and natural selection, demonstrating that science is a way of knowing and assumes an order and consistency in natural systems, comparing and contrasting the process of scientific inquiry with the engineering design cycle, and using empirical evidence to develop scientific knowledge and engineering solutions. 2. Explain that stability and change are present in all natural and built systems and conditions of stability, and rates of change or evolution of a system are critical elements of study by providing evidence to support natural climate cycles and natural selection, demonstrating how rate of change of any natural system impacts evolutionary change, and providing evidence to support scientific claims using effective argumentation. 3. Connect theory and practice through reflection, teaching, scholarship, collaboration, and STEM educational action research which include traditionally under-represented groups that consider students of diverse backgrounds and perspectives through collaborating with colleagues in lesson development, conducting an effective student inquiry-based classroom, integrating cross-curricular learning, and recording reflections on how your STEM content and pedagogical thinking changes over the course of the semester. 4. Demonstrate proficiency with STEM content, skills, and practices and teach those to students by communicating using multiple forms of discourse, developing reasoning and problem solving practices, facilitating effective collaboration and communication among the students, demonstrating proficiency in STEM content. 5. Explore and implement innovative, research-based, engaging curriculum and assessment, especially around the Utah Core academic standards and college and career readiness, geared towards increasing student achievement by applying the disciplinary core ideas when planning lessons and teaching, using cross-cutting concepts when planning lessons and teaching, implementing scientific practices into lesson planning and teaching, implementing a variety of assessments into lesson planning and teaching. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course provides teachers with a deep and useful understanding of energy and the nature of how students use concepts of energy to make sense of phenomena across life, earth, and physical science. This understanding enhances teacher insights into: 1) how matter and energy interact, 2) the relationships of energy to forces and interactions within fields, and 3) pedagogical content knowledge around teaching and learning about energy. The course provides teachers with knowledge of how energy concepts may be used by students with the Crosscutting Concepts, and Engineering and Science practices found in the Next Generation Science Standards. STEM content professors will be involved in the instruction of this course. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Understand the role of energy in systems in the natural and material world and relate it to STEM instruction in elementary classrooms including: the water cycle requires energy, relationships in ecosystems are dependent on energy, energy is used in everyday life, and moving objects contain energy, waves can transmit energy. 2. Understand and apply the cross-cutting concept of Energy and Matter in the classroom including: the transfer of energy drives the flows and cycles of matter, matter is conserved as it flows and cycles, and tracking fluxes of energy and matter into, out of, and within systems helps one understand the systems' possibilities and limitations. 3. Explore and implement innovative, research-based, engaging curriculum, especially around the Utah Core academic standards and college and career readiness, geared towards increasing student achievement for ALL students by applying the disciplinary core ideas when planning lessons and teaching, using crosscutting concepts when planning lessons and teaching, implementing scientific and engineering practices into lesson planning and teaching, using lesson plan formats that integrate all four STEM disciplines into lesson planning and teaching, and applying a variety of effective assessment strategies into lesson planning and teaching. 4. Develop the confidence, skills and dispositions to be a teacher leader in STEM Education by preparing and teaching model lessons, planning with colleagues, completing presentations for local and statewide efforts, etc, practicing continuous written reflection for the purpose of improving your practice. 5. Demonstrate proficiency with STEM content, skills, and practices and teach those to students by communicating using multiple forms of discourse, developing reasoning and problem solving practices, and facilitating effective collaboration and communication among the students. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course provides teachers with a deep and useful understanding of matter and the nature of how students use concepts of matter to make sense of phenomena across life, earth, and physical science. This understanding enhances teacher insights into: 1) how matter and energy interact, 2) the relationships of matter to forces and interactions within fields, and 3) pedagogical content knowledge around teaching and learning about matter. The course provides course participants with knowledge of how matter concepts may be used by students with the Crosscutting Concepts, and Engineering and Science practices as outlined in the Next Generation Science Standards. STEM content professors will be involved in the instruction of this course. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Understand that the types of atoms present and the interactions both between and within them differentiate matter; the states (i.e., solid, liquid, gas, or plasma), properties (e.g., hardness, conductivity), and reactions (both physical and chemical) of matter can be described and predicted based on the types, interactions, and motions of the atoms within it; and chemical reactions, which underlie so many observed phenomena in living and nonliving systems alike, conserve the number of atoms of each type but change their arrangement into molecules. 2. Investigate STEM content and pedagogy related to matter through four of the seven crosscutting concepts found in the Next Generation Science Standards: cause and effect, systems and system models, energy and matter, and stability and change. 3. Improve their teaching skill practice by performing the following: connect theory and practice through effective teaching, scholarship, and STEM educational action research; develop the capacity and confidence to run a student inquiry-based classroom using the crosscutting concepts and core ideas as presented in the Next Generation Science Standards; improve ability to design a variety of effective assessment strategies including using formative assessment to design authentic, innovative, problem-based learning experiences; explore uses of technological tools to enhance STEM teaching, learning, student achievement, and college and career readiness; become a reflective teacher by recording your learning and teaching experiences in a journal and reflecting on your success and need for improvement; and work with colleagues to develop lesson and assessment plans differentiated according to student needs for STEM integration for ALL students in your classroom.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course provides teachers with a deep and useful understanding of force and the nature of how students use concepts of force to make sense of phenomena across life, earth, and physical science. This understanding enhances teacher insights into: 1) how force, matter and energy interact, 2) the relationship of force to energy and interactions within fields, and 3) pedagogical content knowledge around teaching and learning about force. The course provides teachers with knowledge of how concepts of force may be used by students with the Crosscutting Concepts, and Engineering and Science outlined in the Next Generation Science Standards. STEM content professors will be involved in the instruction of this course. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Understand the role of force in systems in the natural and material world and relate it to STEM instruction in elementary classrooms including: gravity and it's role in the solar system; and forces that impact Earth's materials and systems; the relationship between force, mass, acceleration, inertia, and energy transfer. 2. Understand and apply the crosscutting concept of cause and effect to learn about and teach disciplinary core ideas related to force. 3. Improve the skills and dispositions to be a teacher leader in STEM including using model instruction, reflection, planning with colleagues, completing presentations for local and statewide efforts, etc. 4. Improve assessment skills by using student achievement data to design authentic, innovative, problem-based learning experiences, using formative assessment to inform instruction, using a variety of assessment strategies to collect student achievement data. 5. Engage students in integrated technology to enhance their learning, achievement, and college career readiness. 6. Explore and implement innovative, research-based, engaging curriculum, especially around the Utah Core academic standards and college and career readiness, geared towards increasing student achievement for ALL students. 7. Apply the disciplinary core ideas when planning lessons and teaching using crosscutting concepts when planning lessons and teaching as well as implementing scientific and engineering practices into lesson planning and teaching. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.