3.00 Credits
Studio class for art students and other interested in further painting experiences. Covers constructing a painting, including steps and techniques such as drawing shapes; using size, angle, and position; drawing values; and applying dark, middle, and light colors. Students will be able to paint recognizable images and continue study in the medium. Students will paint a portrait showing a likeness and be prepared for further study. Fulfills prerequisite for ART 4210R. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Receive practical experience in producing quick gestural oil painting, assessed by oil paintings for class critique and portfolio for grading. 2. Produce studies of faces from different light sources, with warm and cool colors, assessed by class projects for critique and portfolio for grading. 3. Produce finished significant larger portrait painting, both aesthetically pleasing and expressive, assessed by class painting for student art show and portfolio. 4. Improve the understanding of what the student sees, assessed by painting to march relative shadow shapes to models. Course fee required. Prerequisite: ART 2210 (Grade C- or higher). SP