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Course Search Results

  • 2.00 Credits

    For international students. This course provides international students with the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and awareness needed to adapt to college life at Utah Tech University. Topics include: US immigration compliance, cross-cultural adjustment, campus services, academic advisement, safety and emergency issues, academic success, and academic integrity. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Identify with US Immigration F1 Visa requirements. 2. Recognize the stages of cross-cultural adjustment and how to work through them. 3. Know and utilize appropriate Campus Services. 4. Successfully interact with Academic Advisors. 5. Understand the role of Campus Security and deal with emergency situations. 6. Practice academic success skills and strategies in the US academic environment. 7. Maintain academic integrity as defined by American values and standards. Course fee required. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. FA, SP
  • 4.00 Credits

    Fulfills General Education Foreign Language requirement. Focuses on the continued development of reading skills within academic content areas. Students use a variety of methods and materials to learn intermediate reading strategies and to improve comprehension, expand students' vocabularies, improve dictionary skills, and increase skills in reading for information. The course will focus on the skills students need to be successful in college-level reading intensive courses as well as the skills needed to read for entertainment and general information. This course partially qualifies students to receive an Associate of Arts or Bachelor of Arts degree. Offered based on sufficient student need. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Evaluate and identify statements of fact, opinion, and inferences. 2. Apply higher level thinking skills in reading such as summarizing, drawing conclusions, and identifying cause and effect. 3. Comprehend reading materials at the ACTFL level of Intermediate Mid. 4. Demonstrate comprehension of a minimum of an additional 400 commonly found words in written English. 5. Use the English dictionary for pronunciation, multiple meanings, countable nouns, and parts of speech. 6. Recognize and use intermediate word forms of prefixes and suffixes. Course fee required. Prerequisite: CaMLA-ELT Reading score 18-27, or ESL 0300 (Grade B or higher).
    General Education Course
  • 4.00 Credits

    Fulfills General Education Foreign Language requirement. Designed to help students gain intermediate writing skills in academic contexts, this course will focus on writing well-developed short paragraphs with sentence variety, fluency, intermediate vocabulary, and standard conventions of English. Students will be exposed to the writing process and will be expected to produce pre-writing activities, drafts, revisions, in addition to final drafts of academic writing. This course partially qualifies students to receive an Associate of Arts or Bachelor of Arts degree. Offered based on sufficient student need. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Generate ideas in a series of logically connected and grammatically effective sentences. 2. Restate events of something experienced or read. 3. Apply basic standard organizational patterns to write focused paragraphs with topic sentences and effective supporting sentences and transition words to give directions, definitions causes and effects and comparisons and contrasts or discuss ideas. 4. Appraise and proofread simple texts of sample and peer paragraphs. 5. Summarize and paraphrase simple texts from a variety of sources. Course fee required. Prerequisite: CaMLA-ELT Grammar score 11-15, or ESL 0350 (Grade B or higher).
    General Education Course
  • 4.00 Credits

    Fulfills General Education Foreign Language requirement. Designed to help ESL students develop basic skills in English usage, correct speech and writing forms and patterns, basic verb tenses and their related structures, and simple use of parts of speech. The course will focus on Standard American English usage and conventions. This course partially qualifies students to receive an Associate of Arts or Bachelor of Arts degree. Offered based on sufficient student need. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Produce written and verbal English that is grammatically accurate at the intermediate level. 2. Analyze the usage of aspects of intermediate grammar in written and verbal English. 3. Assess the accuracy of written English that uses various aspects of intermediate grammar. 4. Develop increased fluency in reading, writing, listening to, and speaking English. Course fee required. Prerequisite: CaMLA-ELT Grammar score 11-15, or ESL 0360 (Grade B or higher).
    General Education Course
  • 4.00 Credits

    Designed to prepare students for the challenges of college lectures with a wide range of listening, speaking, and note-taking strategies and skills. The course will introduce the college lectures drawn from a range of academic disciplines. In addition, the course will ensure that students learn the vocabulary used frequently in academic settings. Students will work with the instructor, in small groups, or with technology to practice the skills presented in this course. The course will also develop classroom presentation skills. Offered based on sufficient student need. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate speaking skills needed to succeed in academic settings (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) at the ACTFL level of Intermediate Mid. 2. Identify and use methods of effective note-taking. 3. Participate actively in class and group discussions. 4. Develop and present intermediate-level speeches. 5. Develop academic listening skills for short academic lectures at the ACTFL level of Intermediate Mid. Course fee required. Prerequisite: CaMLA-ELT Listening score 13-18, or ESL 0200 (Grade B or higher).
  • 4.00 Credits

    Designed to help students build general English language proficiency and apply these skills for success in daily life, the community, and work. In addition, the course will offer students guided conversations within carefully structured grammatical frameworks and give students opportunities to practice language skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing and pronunciation. The course will also develop classroom presentation skills. Offered based on sufficient student need. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate intermediate receptive skills necessary for informal conversation and modified classroom lectures and videos at the ACTFL level of Intermediate-Mid. 2. Comprehend and effectively use academic vocabulary and intermediate level grammar with greater competency. 3. Actively participate in interpersonal and academic contexts using mostly fluent spoken English in and outside the classroom. 4. Participate in topical group discussions with minimal support from the professor, expressing ideas in clear and mostly accurate speech. 5. Design, create and give oral presentations with confidence and clarity at the intermediate-low level. Course fee required. Prerequisite: CaMLA-ELT Listening score 13-18, or ESL 0211 (Grade B or higher).
  • 4.00 Credits

    This is a special course for international students (from non-US universities) who want a brief experience of learning English in the United States, but cannot stay for an entire semester. It will include a four-week exposure to five Utah Tech ESL classes for a total of 4 credits. Must register for this class and attend and complete all work required within the four weeks in the following courses: ESL 0411, 0565, 1500, 1550 and 1560. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Students will learn the first two units of Academic Speaking 3, Intermediate Reading in English, Intermediate Academic Writing, and Intermediate English Grammar. See each course for specific learning outcomes. Course fee required. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. FA, SP
  • 2.00 Credits

    This course is designed to develop and synthesize the main academic language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) that are assessed by the TOEFL iBT. The course will help students master key test-taking strategies and give students several opportunities to practice the test. The development of a strong academic vocabulary is also a central focus of the course. Offered based on sufficient student need. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate effective test-taking strategies specific to the TOEFL iBT. 2. Increase scores on the TOEFL iBT course by at least 10%. 3. Recognize all TOEFL iBT question types and the appropriate strategies and response formats that correspond to them. 4. Understand main ideas and supporting details from academic texts and how they relate to each other; recognize paraphrases and summaries of material they have read; understand vocabulary from context; and recognize referents in academic texts. 5. Understand main ideas and supporting details from academic conversations or lectures texts and how they relate to each other; recognize the purpose and the attitude of a speaker; and understand the organization of academic conversations or lectures. 6. Take notes in response to question prompts, including main points from academic texts or conversations and lectures. Course fee required. Prerequisite: CaMLA-ELT combined score 62-69, or ESL 1500, 1550, and 1560 (Grade B or higher).
  • 4.00 Credits

    Fulfills General Education Foreign Language requirement. Designed to help ESL students develop reading skills which are necessary for more rigorous academic work. Students will work on higher-level vocabulary development skills, dictionary skills, English usage skills, comprehension skills, and study strategies related to reading in the academic content areas. This course partially qualifies students to receive an Associate of Arts or Bachelor of Arts degree. Offered based on sufficient student need. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Comprehend reading materials at the ACTFL level of Intermediate High. 2. Analyze reading materials to determine common patterns of organization. 3. Learn a minimum of 90 most frequently encountered academic words found in English text and 20 Greek or Latin roots. 4. Evaluate paragraphs by drawing inferences. 5. Understand and recite the tenth 100 Fry List vocabulary words. 6. Apply strategies for increasing reading rates by 20%. Course fee required. Prerequisite: CaMLA-ELT Reading score 28-31, or ESL 0500 (Grade B or higher).
    General Education Course
  • 4.00 Credits

    Fulfills General Education Foreign Language requirement. Designed to help students strengthen and enrich writing skills in academic contexts. Students will focus on moving beyond the standard academic paragraphs to the standard academic essays, and be expected to demonstrate fluency and coherency in English with vocabulary which is increasingly more complex and with few technical errors. This course partially qualifies students to receive an Associate of Arts or Bachelor of Arts degree. Offered based on sufficient student need. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Construct paragraphs and essays in a range of rhetorical modes. 2. Apply citation guidelines appropriately and accurately when using others' ideas or words from sources. 3. Identify and correct deficiencies in the application of grammatical skills and principles, such as in word forms, appropriate verb tenses and forms, or subject-verb agreement. 4. Construct a variety of types of effective paragraphs and essays, identifying and using effective writing steps. 5. Paraphrase and summarize accurately and concisely with correct source citation. 6. Develop classroom skills in an academic environment, including participation in class and group discussions, and employing presentation skills. 7. Compose coherent paragraphs and essays showing attention to appropriate organization for the specific task according to course rubrics. 8. Apply citation guidelines appropriately and accurately when using others' ideas or words from sources. Course fee required. Prerequisite: CaMLA-ELT Grammar score 16-18, or ESL 1550 (Grade B or higher).
    General Education Course