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Course Search Results

  • 3.00 Credits

    Augments research, writing, and communication skills of science majors. On successful completion, students will be able to effectively use scientific literature databases; find, read, understand, and critically assess primary scientific literature; write in a clear, concise, scientific style that will be required in upper-level science classes, including Senior Thesis, and in graduate study or future professions. In order to enter GEOL 3110 with the needed experience in scientific writing, students are required to have completed or be currently enrolled in a geology course that requires an original, student-designed research project and paper or must obtain instructor permission before enrolling. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Employ scientific literature databases. 2. Analyze and assess primary scientific literature effectively and efficiently. 3. Develop clear, concise, scientific context for all types of communication that you will be required to do in upper-level science classes (including senior thesis) and in your professional life (e.g., research reports for publication in primary literature and for corporate distribution). Prerequisites: ENGL 2010 and GEO 3000 or GEO 3180 or GEO 3200 or GEO 3500 or GEO 3550 or GEO 3600 or GEO 3700. FA, SP
  • 4.00 Credits

    Reviews theories, principles, and applications of paleontology, as well as the characteristics of important groups of fossil organisms and their geologic distributions and paleoecologies. The course includes a lab. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Review and debate the nature of the fossil record. 2. Appraise, criticize, debate, and defend the principles of and theories about evolution, speciation, systematics, and extinction. 3. Assess possible functional morphological and paleoecological features of a fossil organism. 4. Assess the paleobiogeographic and biostratigraphic utility of a fossil organism. 5. Evaluate and classify a fossil and assess what it contributes to understanding the evolutionary history and diversity of its clade. Course fee required. Prerequisites: GEO 1220 and GEO 1225, or instructor permission. FA (odd)
  • 4.00 Credits

    Exploration of the physical, chemical, and optical properties of common rock- and ore-forming minerals through the principles of crystallography, optical microscopy, and analytical chemistry. Three one-hour lectures, and one three-hour lab per week. Laboratories emphasize mineral studies at macro and micro scales, analytical methods, and data processing. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Determine the physical properties of minerals based on their chemical composition, and atomic structure. 2. Examine symmetry elements and functions of a mineral sample (or model), and correctly identify its corresponding crystal system. 3. Classify the most common rock and ore-forming minerals and recall their chemical formulas. 4. Summarize the nature and causes of various mineral features such as twinning, exsolution, defects, color, polymorphism, and pseudomorphism. 5. List various geochemical analytical techniques and elaborate on the theory they are based on. 6. Analyze mineral data, and effectively communicate the methods, results, and logical interpretations of those data in a scientifically written report. Course fee required. Prerequisites: GEO 1110 and 1115; and MATH 1050 (or higher); and CHEM 1210 and 1215 (All grade C or higher). FA (odd)
  • 3.00 Credits

    A detailed examination of the water cycle, including: precipitation, surface water, ground water, glaciers, water conservation, water management, and water pollution with special emphasis on the water resources of Utah and neighboring areas. Offered upon sufficient student need. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Identify the water resources management issues (water quality and water quantity) in local and global regions. 2. Apply the basic principles of water resources, including hydrologic cycle, surface and groundwater hydrology to understand critical water needs. 3. Utilize quantitative models in water resources and hydrology. 4. Apply the scientific methods and critical thinking to analyze the hydrologic data in water resources management (e.g. surface water, groundwater, water quality). Prerequisites: GEO 1110/1115 AND CHEM 1210/1215. FA (even)
  • 4.00 Credits

    The course focuses on understanding the physical and chemical processes that affect landscapes including erosion, sediment transport, and soil development. Students will become familiar with interpreting landscape evolution in the field and from data products such as geologic/geomorphic maps, digital topography datasets, and aerial photography. Societally important applications will be considered, such as hazards associated with active faults, landslides, soil properties, and rockfall. Field trips required during class/lab time, plus one weekend trip, although alternative arrangements are available for students with differing abilities. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Identify major landforms and describe the conditions that contributed to their formation. 2. Analyze landforms within a given area using topographic maps, aerial imagery, and field observations, interpret the ages of these landforms, and hypothesize about why they formed. 3. Demonstrate a basic understanding of the mass balance of physical and chemical transport at the Earth's surface. 4. Evaluate hazards associated with Earth surface processes, such as floods and landslides. 5. Employ software including Google Earth and GIS to conduct geomorphic analyses. Prerequisites: GEO 1110 or GEO 1010 or GEOG 1000 (Grade C or higher), AND MATH 1060 or higher (Grade C or Higher) OR ACT Math score of 25 or higher or equivalent placement score. Corequisites: GEOG 3600 and GEOG 3605. Course fee required. SP (even)
  • 4.00 Credits

    Sedimentology is the study of the transport, deposition, arrangement, and diagenesis of sediment. Stratigraphy is the interpretation of preserved sedimentary rock layers, which record much of Earth's geologic history. Both grant insight into depositional environments, tectonic settings, changes in sea level, and climate. In this course, students will learn strategies and techniques to read, interpret, and communicate the sedimentary rock record. Required field trips include one weekend-long regional trip and approximately six local field trips during scheduled lab time. Alternative arrangements will be made for students not able to attend field trips. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs): At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Describe and identify sedimentary rock types and the sedimentary processes and conditions that led to their formation. 2. Collect, analyze, and communicate data characterizing stratigraphic sequences. 3. Use sedimentologic and stratigraphic data to make and test hypotheses about depositional and tectonic environments and geologic history. 4. Make predictions about the types of sedimentary rocks likely to be found in different tectonic environments around the world and in the geologic past. Course fee required. Prerequisites: GEO 1220 AND GEO 1225. FA (even)
  • 4.00 Credits

    An examination of igneous and metamorphic rocks including their classification, petrogenesis, evolution, and field settings. Tectonic associations, thermodynamic processes, mineralogy, and chemistry of these types of rocks will also be explored. Three lecture hours, and one three-hour lab per week. Laboratories emphasize mineral and rock studies at macro and micro scales, and interpretation of petrographic data. One required field trip. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs)** At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to: At the conclusion of this course, a successful student will be able to: 1) Classify igneous and metamorphic rocks based on mineralogical and geochemical data (PLO 1, 4). 2) Explain the petrogenetic history of these rocks within the context of various tectonic settings (PLO 4, 5). 3) Interpret geochemical data, including isotopes, to identify sources and protoliths, and calculate ages of these rocks, and understand the theory of dating techniques (PLO 1, 2). 4) Apply principles learned in the classroom and lab to field and real-life based problems and investigations (PLO 1,3). Course fee required. Prerequisites: GEO 1110 and 1115; Math 1050 (or higher); Chem 1210 and 1215; GEO 3200 - all a grade of C or higher. SP (even)
  • 4.00 Credits

    Examination of the geometries, mechanisms, and mechanics of rock deformation. Includes stress and strain relationships, fault and fold classification, and relationships to major tectonic features of Earth, with application to geological engineering, petroleum geology, mining, water recovery and waste disposal. Labs present techniques to interpret and evaluate deformed rock in map, cross section, and three-dimensional views. Three lecture hours and one 3-hour lab per week. Field trips are required, although alternative arrangements will be made where necessary. Course fee required. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Identify in the field and interpret both brittle and ductile structural deformation. 2. Produce a viable geological cross section from structural data. 3. Conduct a kinematic structural analysis of an area and relate deformation kinematics to tectonic processes. 4. Conduct a dynamic structural analysis, formulate constitutive equations for deformation, and quantify the contribution of each deformational mechanism in a region. 5. Assess and justify the best location to drill for water, oil, or gas, predict the location of mineral resources, and/or judge the environmental impact of toxic waste disposal from a set of structural data. Prerequisites: GEO 1110 and 1115; and MATH 1060 or MATH 1080 or higher level MATH (All grade C or higher). SP (odd)
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course includes the study of some important aspects in the field of hydrology including hydrological cycle and its components such as precipitation, infiltration and evapotranspiration. In this course, students will learn how to collect hydrological data, understand and employ the common numerical methods, and analyze the data to estimate the hydrologic cycle components. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Identify and differentiate the essential components of the hydrologic cycle. 2. Complete engineering hydrology computations and water balance. 3. Analyze experimental hydrological data. 4. Collaborate with other students and serve as effective members of multidisciplinary project teams. SP (even)
  • 3.00 Credits

    Iceland, the land of fire and ice, offers students an experiential learning opportunity to study nearly every basic topic in Geology. Both tectonic processes powered by Earth's internal energy such as plate boundaries, volcanoes, earthquakes, and geysers, and gradation processes powered by the sun such as glaciers, rivers, shorelines, weathering and erosion are observed first hand. Environmental issues like resource use and its relationship to climate change and utilizing geothermal as a green energy resource to generate electricity are also examined. Course participants will meet for an hour a week during the semester then travel to Iceland for a six day travel abroad experience. Pre-trip classes include the above topics to prepare students to understand their experiences in Iceland. For international travel, see for additional travel costs that may apply. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Identify evidence that meets the criteria of science in recognizing and differentiating hypotheses, theories and/or laws using the resources of Iceland. 2. Apply the concepts of both stratigraphic and radiometric dating to interpret physical and biologic events in Earth history as evidenced in Iceland. 3. Identify Iceland's geologic and geographic landforms and explain both their formation (origin) and potential geologic hazards. 4. Identify Iceland's economically important Earth materials and natural resources and their impacts on global climate change, politics, and economics. 5. Describe how the geology of Iceland is explained by the theory of plate tectonics. SP