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Course Search Results

  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is a comprehensive examination of technology used for sound design in the arts. With a strong emphasis on the fundamentals, students can expect to be knowledgeable about audio technology after this course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is an in-depth look at modern theatrical sound design. Students focus on the sound design process and apply the tools and technology necessary to create and execute professional sound designs. Basic sound design and engineering for the theatre.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Theatre Core Requirement. For Theatre Majors and Minors. Introduction to the creative and administrative work of a stage manager, including forms and formats, protocols, and the roles of the stage manager on a production from pre-production through closing.
  • 2.00 Credits

    Dance for Musical Theatre performers with little or no previous movement experience. This introductory course focuses on building musical theatre students' core strength, balance center, coordination, timing and flexibility. In addition, students will learn dance terminology that is fundamental to a musical theatre career. Core Dance (3620, 3630, 3640, or 3650) is required for 8 semesters. Placement in the proper level is by audition. Prerequisites: Admission to Emphasis in Musical Theatre OR Instructor Consent.
  • 2.00 Credits

    Dance for Musical Theatre performers who have a basic knowledge of movement skills, technique and terminology. In this course the student will learn to pick up series of steps quickly and maintain a secure body axis allowing them to master more advanced steps such as spins, turns and rhythmic changes. Students will be challenged to advance their technical capacity in this class. Core Dance (3620, 3630, 3640, or 3650) is required for 8 semesters. Placement in the proper level is by audition. Prerequisites: "C" or better in (THEA 3630 AND Admission to Emphasis in Musical Theatre) OR Instructor Consent.
  • 1.00 Credits

    This course is designed to give Musical Theatre students with beginning dance skill exposure to the various choreographic styles of movement --- both historical and current --- that they may encounter in the professional arena. This course gives the successful student the opportunity to perform at the weekly Performance Workshop. 4 Semesters of Musical Theatre Styles (3639, 3649, or 3659) are required. Placement in the proper level is by audition. Prerequisites: "C" or better in THEA 3639 AND Admission to Emphasis in Musical Theatre OR Instructor Consent. Corequisites: "C" or better in (THEA 3630).
  • 2.00 Credits

    Dance for Musical Theatre performers who are proficient in dance technique and terminology. Every student who takes this course must be able to turn, balance, jump and fall with sufficient strength so as not to lose their center. Entering students should be able to reproduce a difficult section of challenging steps quickly. The course will challenge students to grow further, perfecting and maintaining these skills. Core Dance (3620, 3630, 3640, or 3650) is required for 8 semesters. Placement in the proper level is by audition. Prerequisites: "C" or better in (THEA 3640 AND Admission to Emphasis in Musical Theatre) OR Instructor Consent.
  • 1.00 Credits

    This course is designed to give students with dance proficiency exposure to various choreographic styles of movement --- both historical and current --- that they may encounter in the professional arena. This course gives the successful student the opportunity to perform at the weekly Performance Workshop. 4 Semesters of Musical Theatre Styles (3639, 3649, or 3659) are required. Placement in the proper level is by audition. Prerequisites: Admission to Emphasis in Musical Theatre OR Instructor Consent. Corequisites: "C" or better in THEA 3640.
  • 2.00 Credits

    Every student who takes this course must be in command of a viable, strong Classical dance technique. Technique will be used but not actually taught in this class. The student must be sure of their center, understand plie, and be able to negotiate all planes of dance: floor work, jumps and turns in the air, as well as weight changes on the floor, and negotiating the space between the planes. The student must be proficient at reproducing complicated dance sequences quickly while also paying attention to style. This class will serve as maintenance level for this of proficiency and teach the student how to add new skills. Core Dance (3620, 3630, 3640, or 3650) is required for 8 semesters. Placement in the proper level is by audition. Prerequisites: "C" or better in (THEA 3650 AND Admission to Emphasis in Musical Theatre) OR Instructor Consent.
  • 1.00 Credits

    This is the Sophomore level, or 3 and 4, in a series of 8 workshops the student must take throughout their MTP careers. It is designed to give weekly performance opportunities to the craft-based classes for dancing, singing and acting. As designated by instructors of all craft classes: acting, dance, voice and studio classes, selections of students will prepare their work for presentation and review. At this level of the course, the student will begin to present with more frequency. Prerequisites: Earned 2 credits from THEA 2652 OR 1 credit from THEA 3652 OR Instructor Consent