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Course Search Results

  • 4.00 Credits

    This course combines 2010 and 2020 levels of the language into one semester. Restricted to students with two semesters of classroom experience with the language, or an experience that places them at an equivalent level of proficiency who will be able to move through material quickly especially early in the semester. Completion of this course with a C- or better fulfills the BA Language Requirement. Prerequisite: TURK 1020 OR Placement Exam OR Instructor's Permission.
  • 3.00 Credits

    All language skills will be developed to an advanced level. Reading and analysis of texts, along with practice in oral communication, will increase competence in use of grammatical patterns. Prerequisite: TURK 2020 or instructor consent.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Restricted to students in the Honors Program working on their Honors degree. Prerequisite: TURK 3020 Co-requisite: TURK 3010 or 3020 and instructor's consent.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This is designed to prepare students for post-secondary education, enable a smooth transition into college, and facilitate success once enrolled. Topics covered will include mindfulness, guide to college, and communication.
  • 1.00 Credits

    This course has been designed as a continuation of The University of Utah Orientation to assist students with academic success. Topics will include a review of resources and campus policies, a discussion on how to engage in campus organizations and activities, as well as the U of U classroom, and other tips that will make your experience rewarding. In addition to understanding your new educational community, you will have more information that assists you in negotiating the campus to accomplish your academic goals.
  • 1.00 Credits

    Thinking about becoming a physician? This course is designed for students who are exploring a career as a physician. The primary focus is to explore the career through panels and presentations by practicing physicians as well as a continuous discussion on how to prepare for admission to medical school. Students will not only learn about resources but also reflect on self within the context of this career.
  • 1.00 Credits

    This course is designed for students who are nearing the time in their academic careers to begin preparation for applying to medical school. The primary focus is to help students prepare for the medical school application process by teaching them about how to best portray themselves and their accomplishments using tools such as the premed planner, the Medical School Admissions Requirements (MSAR) website, AMCAS, and more. Students will not only learn about resources for applying, but also reflect on themselves within the context of becoming future physicians. These objectives will be met by the following: (1) Provide information on the resources available when applying to medical schools. (2) Expand networking opportunities with professionals in this area. (3) Offer opportunities to develop quality components of the medical school application through practice and feedback from peers and the instructor. (4) Provide students with vital information for them to make informed decisions that impact their medical school applications.
  • 1.00 Credits

    Thinking about becoming a dentist? This course is designed for students who are exploring a career as a dentist, orthodontist, oral surgeon, or other specialist. The primary focus is to explore the career through panels and presentations by practicing dentists as well as a continuous discussion on how to prepare for admission to dental school. Students will not only learn about resources but also reflect on self within the context of this career.
  • 1.00 Credits

    This course is designed for students who have not yet committed to a major, and are motivated to explore themselves and their academic options at the University of Utah. Students will learn about the major/career decision making process, including self assessment, evaluation of majors and careers, and implementing an action plan.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Although faculty teaching this course focus on modern and contemporary Asian history, society, politics, and economics, they may vary the content matter and emphases according to their disciplinary interests. All instructors share in common an interest in fostering basic oral and written communication skills and developing analytical, methodological, and conceptual understanding and skills. Fulfills humanities or social science intellectual explorations requirement. Consult semester Class Schedule for the intellectual explorations area being offered.