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Course Search Results

  • 3.00 Credits

    Health is often considered an individual-level experience or outcome, but one's health cannot be uncoupled from the family. Not only do families provide each of us with genetic material that determines health risks and outcomes, families also share a culture, environment, and lifestyle that influence health and wellness. Using an interdisciplinary approach, this BlockU will explore how families can promote health and well-being, how they help manage chronic illnesses, and how these family-based strategies vary across developmental life stages. Students in this BlockU program will work in groups on one of several community-based projects focused on nutrition, movement, or a creative book project.
    General Education Course
  • 3.00 Credits

    Health is often considered an individual-level experience or outcome, but one's health cannot be uncoupled from the family. Not only do families provide each of us with genetic material that determines health risks and outcomes, families also share a culture, environment, and lifestyle that influence health and wellness. Using an interdisciplinary approach, this BlockU will explore how families can promote health and well-being, how they help manage chronic illnesses, and how these family-based strategies vary across developmental life stages. Students in this BlockU will work in groups on one of several community-based projects focused on nutrition, movement, or a creative book project. Prerequisites: UGS 2270.
    General Education Course
  • 3.00 Credits

    The ways in which food is produced, distributed, prepared and consumed widely varies according to location, culture, and income. While the options for creating a more sustainable food system are being debated at many levels, in this BlockU you will be actively engaged in creating a more sustainable and equitable food system in Salt Lake City. By partnering with local organizations working to grow food and community, you will directly influence the sustainability of our local foodshed. If you're interested in progressively shaping local food movements, the environment, and our community, this BlockU will help you develop the perspectives and practical skills necessary to do just that. Prerequisites: UGS 2280.
  • 3.00 Credits

    In this BlockU, we will explore the interconnectedness of work, wellness, and the great outdoors. We will consider the world of work and how to manage priorities. using this knowledge, you will create an academic plan that balances career goals, personal wellness, and playing in the great outdoors of Utah. We will critically examine businesses (think Patagonia) that prioritize employee wellness, outdoor recreation, and leisure time to save costs and improve the bottom line. you will develop your leadership and team work skills through specially designed outdoor activities and develop strategies for maintaining physical and mental wellness throughout life. In this BlockU, you and your classmates will work in groups to design and implement a community project of your choice using your new knowledge and skills.
    General Education Course
  • 3.00 Credits

    We'll talk about wellness, ways to stay healthy, and how to help others be healthy. Health and recreation are hallmarks of Utah and important for the economy. We'll consider health and recreation in the context of business and how healthy employees help the bottom line and improve society. Our class will be small enough for students to gain confidence in sharing opinions and developing critical thinking skills for their college careers. Prerequisites: UGS 2300.
    General Education Course
  • 3.00 Credits

    This is course is specifically intended for students taking part in the Diversity Scholars Program. The class will have a focus on Domestic Violence.
  • 1.00 Credits

    A semester-long learning community cohort for students in the Discover U program.
  • 0.50 - 3.00 Credits

    This is a required course for 1st year mentees in the BEACON scholars program. This course provides first year scholars with exposure to campus resources, organizations, and clubs. Students will learn ways to add value to their education through campus and community engagement. Students will be challenged to develop or participate in a community engagement/service project that is ongoing and has a substantial impact. Each student is paired with a peer mentor who will assist in both campus orientation and engagement project planning and implementation. Students participate in a small community and have the opportunity to build close relationships and develop leadership skills.
  • 1.00 Credits

    This course is designed for second year students or those who are new to the BEACON scholars program. This course provides students an opportunity to be a part of the BEACON community while continuing to develop leadership and program planning skills. Students undertake a community engagement/service project that is ongoing and has a substantial impact. Students may continue projects from previous years or act as social entrepreneurs and develop new programming. Students will participate in discussions related to engagement, social issues, and diversity/inclusion. Students will participate in a non-peer mentoring relationship designed to help with professional development and increasing institutional affinity.
  • 1.00 Credits

    Second-Year Experience Course ' Finding Your Sense of Purpose Focusing on personal reflection and exploration, this course centers on the development of a sense of purpose for the second year of college. Students will engage in a series of activities and exercises that incorporate their past experience with their future aspirations, allow them to understand how difference enriches their life experience, and provide a foundation for developing skills and knowledge necessary to successfully complete their University of Utah degrees and make an impact on their communities. Students will be introduced to the learning framework and urged to think about their University education with these experiences in mind.