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Course Search Results

  • 3.00 Credits

    Addresses the various approaches to critical thinking, with an emphasis on developing the skills and attitudes necessary to pursue issues with an open and critical perspective. Students hone their skills through writing. Students strongly advised to take WRTG 2010 or equivalent prior to this course.
    General Education Course
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prepares students for professional and public careers in the Arts and Humanities by emphasizing reading and writing arguments and the kinds of writing needed in further study and executive positions: summaries, analyses, proposals, research notes, personal essays, reviews and hybrid genres. Explores multiple media and genres through collaborative projects, electronic writing, instruction in revision and editing, and exploratory writing to discover ideas. Students strongly advised to take WRTG 2010 or equivalent prior to this course. Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in WRTG 2010 OR WR2 OR Writing Placement Essay score of 4+ OR Interstate Passport OR Assoc. Degree OR Bachelors Degree OR AP Lang/Comp score of 4+
  • 3.00 Credits

    Designed to facilitate thinking and writing in the social sciences. Focuses on using sources to develop critical thinking on issues, forming one's own position about disciplinary problems, and creating arguments using rhetorical conventions associated with specific disciplines. Students strongly advised to take WRTG 2010 or equivalent prior to this course. Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in WRTG 2010 OR WR2 OR Writing Placement Essay score of 4+ OR Interstate Passport OR Assoc. Degree OR Bachelors Degree OR AP Lang/Comp score of 4+
  • 3.00 Credits

    Designed to help students in the sciences develop the skills needed for scientific research and communication. Provides students with the opportunity to write in the variety of forms that they are likely to encounter in their professional lives (i.e. memos, proposals, reports, presentations) in a scientific context. Students strongly advised to take WRTG 2010 or equivalent prior to this course. Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in WRTG 2010 OR WR2 OR Writing Placement Essay score of 4+ OR Interstate Passport OR Assoc. Degree OR Bachelors Degree OR AP Lang/Comp score of 4+
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prepares students for professional practice by emphasizing problem solving in organizational contexts, writing for multiple audiences, and writing with visual and numerical data. Includes collaborative projects. Service learning option. Students strongly advised to take WRTG 2010 or equivalent prior to this course. Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in WRTG 2010 OR WR2 OR Writing Placement Essay score of 4+ OR Interstate Passport OR Assoc. Degree OR Bachelors Degree OR AP Lang/Comp score of 4+
  • 3.00 Credits

    Focuses on strategies for communicating successfully with business audiences. Students employ composition technologies to prepare different types of workplace texts, including emails, memos, proposals, reports, resumes and presentations. Emphasis on critical thinking and problem solving in a business context. WRTG 2010 or its equivalent prior to this course. Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in WRTG 2009 OR WRTG 2010 OR EAS 1060 OR HONOR 2211 OR WR2 OR Writing Placement Essay score of 4+ OR Interstate Passport OR Assoc. Degree OR Bachelors Degree OR AP Lang/Comp score of 4+
  • 3.00 Credits

    This is a writing course that works through the lens of film, music, television, and new media to explore the cultural contexts of postmodern culture. A key component is learning to write detailed analyses of these kinds of texts, as well as understanding the function such texts play in our collective cultural memory. Students must take WRTG 2010 or equivalent prior to this course. Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in WRTG 2010 OR WR2 OR Writing Placement Essay score of 4+ OR Interstate Passport OR Assoc. Degree OR Bachelors Degree OR AP Lang/Comp score of 4+
    General Education Course
  • 3.00 Credits

    Designed to help students develop and refine their reading, writing, and communication skills by examining and articulating their perspectives of war. Students will study the work of established authors and write multiple genres, including nonfiction, fiction, and analysis. Open to all students, but men and women in uniform and veterans are encouraged to enroll. Students strongly advised to take WRTG 2010 or equivalent prior to this course.
    General Education Course
  • 3.00 Credits

    Writing 3020 is an upper-division course designed for students who are new the University of Utah and have completed Writing 1010/2010 elsewhere. Using concepts, research methodologies, and genres from the field of writing studies, this course builds on transfer students' prior knowledge and experiences -- including their distinctive writing strengths -- while providing an opportunity to learn about University resources and examine research and writing practices in their major discipline. In addition to fostering rhetorical awareness and disciplinary writing knowledge, Writing 3020 offers opportunities to connect with peers, faculty, and staff in order to make the most of the academic and professional opportunities available to undergraduates at the University of Utah.
    General Education Course
  • 3.00 Credits

    WRTG 3025 explores the emerging interdisciplinary field of Code Studies which is interested in the rhetorical, critical, and cultural significance of technology, data, and computer programming source code ('Code'). This course is designed for both STEM and non-STEM students from all majors at the university. The modern proliferation of technology, artificial intelligence, data, and software is relevant to all disciplines across campus, in the workforce, and in life itself. This course provides the opportunity to fulfill the upper-division writing requirement within a very current, relevant, and engaging topic.