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Course Search Results

  • 1.00 Credits

    This course is an extension of the Resident Assistant (RA) & Resident Director (RD) trainings offered at the start of each semester. Throughout this course, the RAs & RDs will understand the various roles of their positions, conflict mediation, program development, student support, and the complexities of student development. This course is designed to prepare RAs & RDs to aid students, provide resources, handle policies, and develop a student community within their assigned residence halls.
  • 1.00 Credits

    This course is an extension of the Resident Assistant (RA) & Resident Director (RD) trainings offered at the start of each semester. Throughout this course, the RAs & RDs will understand how to develop their skills to improve themselves, better support students, and learn how to grow their grit as they move forward in life. This course is designed to prepare RAs & RDs to aid students, provide resources, handle policies, and develop a student community within their assigned residence halls, and apply what they have learned as Residence Life Student Leaders to their future careers and personal goals.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is designed to help students become more successful in the college setting, with an emphasis on graduating from Snow College and transferring to a university. Topics covered include effective time management and study skills (memory, reading, note taking, and testing); use of personal, campus, and community resources; creating effective communication skills, healthy lifestyles; and exploring financial issues. Emphasis is on group work, and requirements include group presentations. A team teaching format helps students learn to adjust to diverse teaching styles.
  • 1.00 Credits

    The Convocation Arts and Lecture Series at Snow College is a weekly enrichment series for students and for residents of local communities. A 50-minute lecture, visual, or musical presentation is offered each Thursday at 12:30 p.m. Speakers and performers are selected from diverse disciplines, including humanities, arts, business, science, public service, education, entertainment, and ethnic/international areas of study. The series is also used as a vehicle for presenting faculty honor lectures and campus performing groups. Repeatable for credit.
  • 1.00 Credits

    Convocation Plus is a companion class for Convocation (GNST 1060). Students in Convocation may take Convocation Plus concurrently for an additional credit, and doing so allows students to further engage with Convocation content and presenters. This engagement includes attending lunch with presenters, doing additional readings, and having opportunities for discussion and reflection. Like Convocation, Convocation Plus is repeatable for credit. Corequisite:    GNST 1060
  • 2.00 Credits

    This course provides student leaders and other interested students with the opportunity to learn key principles of leadership and to develop leadership skills. The course consists of lecture meetings to discuss and practice the principles of successful leaders within organizations, communities, and families. The curriculum covers three broad leadership areas: personal, interpersonal, and group leadership skills. The course provides an opportunity for students to assess their leadership skills. This course may be repeated for credit.
  • 2.00 Credits

    This course provides student leaders and other interested students with the opportunity to learn key principles of leadership and to develop leadership skills. The course consists of a weekly lecture to discuss and practice the principles of successful leaders within organizations, communities, families, and individuals. The course also consists of a weekly meeting of all student leaders to apply leadership principles to current student organizations and campus issues. The curriculum covers three broad leadership areas: personal, interpersonal, and group leadership skills. The course provides an opportunity for students to assess their leadership skills and to engage in service-learning. This course may be repeated once for credit.
  • 0.00 - 7.00 Credits

    Snow College partners with business and industry educational providers to enable students working on specific career based skills and credentials to also earn college credit. These partnerships are established and credit is pre-determined.
  • 0.00 - 7.00 Credits

    Snow College partners with business and industry educational providers to enable students working on specific career based skills and credentials to also earn college credit. These partnerships are established and credit is pre-determined.
  • 2.00 Credits

    This course will provide students an opportuntiy to work with other students, community members, and community agencies in organizing and carrying out a service project that addresses an existing community issue or need. Students will learn the theory and philosophy behind service-learning as a teaching pedagogy as they bercome more aware and engaged in the community. This course is required of students seeking the Service-Scholar designation. This course is repeatable for credit.