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Course Search Results

  • 1.00 - 2.00 Credits

    This course involves a special project where there is a demonstrated need which cannot be met through enrollment in a regularly scheduled course. I t also could include special projects of unusual merit in furthering a student's professional and academic goals. Students must be able to sustain and complete independent learning projects. The course provides a framework for developing and enhancing student abilities. The Special Projects Contract must be completed. Special projects for one credit can be approved by the advisor, the division dean, and the division representative to the CurriculumCommittee. Projects for more than one credit must be approved by the avisor, division dean, and Curriculum Committee. Credit for a special project normally should be one to two credit hours depending on the work completed. Unless approved in the contract, special project credit may not be used to satisfy general education requirements..
  • 0.00 - 0.50 Credits

    This is the third in a series of courses designed to deal with goals, personal financial skills, volunteering, interviewing skills, writing a resume, applying conflict resolution skills, and performing a skill demonstration.
  • 0.00 - 0.50 Credits

    This is the fourth in a series of courses designed to expose students to employment trends, risks related to employment changes, ethical and unethical behaviors,and entrepreneurships. They will also be introduced in mentoring, job searching, team work, and leadership skills.
  • 0.00 - 1.00 Credits

    This is the second course in a series of two courses which will help students gain and improve workplace and interpersonal skills. Professional stewardship, management, and leadership are the foundational topics. Students taking this course will also have the opportunity to participate in the SkillsUSA career and professional leadership organization.
  • 0.00 - 3.00 Credits

    This class provides visiting summer school students with opportunities to improve their individual musical performance. Credit is variable, depending on workshop length and instructional hours. Enrollment in this class is by permission of the instructor only. Participants must have successfully completed their sophomore year of high school. Repeatable for credit.
  • 0.00 Credits

    This course provides a means to document concert attendance by students majoring in music. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • 3.00 Credits

    A general appreciation course designed to make music meaningful to the average listener. The relationship of rhythm, melody, harmony, and form will be demonstrated though selected recordings. The elements of music will be treated non-technically together with historical and biographical observations. Western art music will be discussed as well as music of other world cultures. Also, a general survey of folk and popular music will be provided.
    General Education Course
  • 3.00 Credits

    An introduction and survey of American popular music from colonial times to the present. Special emphasis is given to the cultural cross pollination that makes this music unique. Characteristics of this music will be demonstrated through selected recordings. Historical and biographical information will be included in class presentations as well as exercises aimed at developing better music listening skills.
  • 3.00 Credits

    The study of American vernacular music is common in higher education across the United States. Most schools in Utah offer this course or something similar. This course has been articulated with the Utah State Office of Education and is taught as a concurrent enrollment course.
    General Education Course
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course provides students with an overview of the history of rock and roll music from its roots to the present day. Emphasis is placed on major stylistic trends and the artists who made major contributions to the evolution of this musical genre. Rock music will also be studied in a sociological context- both as an influence on, and as a reflection of the society in which it has operated. Fundamental musical concepts and vocabulary will also be addressed.
    General Education Course