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Course Search Results

  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is the second semester of the music theory series, continuing the study of the fundamental elements of music. Content will focus on part writing, composition, improvisation, and analysis. It is required of all music-majors and minors and is recommended for serious students of voice, piano, or other instruments. This course must be taken in sequence, and concurrently with MUSC 1140. Corequisite:    MUSC 1140
  • 1.00 Credits

    Students in this course perform in support of Snow College athletic events.
  • 1.00 Credits

    This course will introduce students to the prcess of sight singing and musical dictation. The course will promote the development of each student's ability to sing music at sight, notate simple melodies and rhythms as dictated, and identify and notate choral harmonies as dictated. This course must be taken concurrently with MUSC 1110. Required of music majors. Corequisite:    MUSC 1110
  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    In this course students study serious wind ensemble literature. Concerts are given each semester. Audition required. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • 1.00 Credits

    This course will promote the development of each student's ability to sing music at sight, notate melodies and rhythms as dictated, and identify and notate choral harmonies as dictated. Students are also given the opportunity to improvise. This course must be taken concurrently with MUSC 1120. Required of music majors. Corequisite:    MUSC 1120
  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    A standard Jazz big band. Audition required. Performs literature inclusive of all jazz styles.. Performs concerts, attends festivals and does touring. This class also covers various aspects of the music business such as creating promotional materials and marketing, identifying technological resources for jazz education, and networking strategies to secure employment. This course may be repeated for credit.
  • 1.00 Credits

    This is the first semester of a four semester sequential music major course designed to help students meet the music major piano proficiency requirement. Class Piano I introduces students to basic piano skills. This course also introduces the concept of musical improvisation. All music majors must take a piano assessment prior to enrolling in Class Piano. Students will be placed in the appropriate semester of Class Piano after completing the initial assessment. (Additional fee required)
  • 1.00 Credits

    The Community Chorus prepares and performs choral masterworks, including the annual Snow College production of Handel's Messiah, along with additional concerts during the year. May be repeated for credit.
  • 1.00 Credits

    This is the second semester of a four-semester, sequential, music major course designed to help students meet the music major piano proficiency requirement. Class Piano I introduces students to beginning piano skills. This course, Class Piano II, builds upon these basic skills. All music majors must take a piano assessment placement test prior to enrolling in any section of Class Piano. Students will be placed in the appropriate semester of Class Piano after completing the initial assessment.
  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    Group training in a variety of choral music literature. Those registering are expected to participate in major activities of the department. No preliminary audition required, but each student will be given a placement audition during the semester. This course may be repeated for credit. (Additional fee required)