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Course Search Results

  • 1.00 - 6.00 Credits

    An opportunity for majors to apply knowledge and techniques learned in the classroom to an actual job experience. Classroom instruction must precede the experience, or the student must be registered for courses at the same time the student is enrolled in the work experience.
  • 1.00 - 6.00 Credits

    An opportunity for majors to apply knowledge and techniques learned in the classroom to an actual job experience. Classroom instruction must precede the experience, or the student must be registered for courses at the same time the student is enrolled in the work experience.
  • 1.00 - 6.00 Credits

    An opportunity for majors to apply knowledge and techniques learned in the classroom to an actual job experience. Classroom instruction must precede the experience, or the student must be registered for courses at the same time the student is enrolled in the work experience.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course offers an introductory survey of general psychology theories and concepts with an emphasis on the scientific study of human behaviors and applications in daily life.
  • 3.00 Credits

    In this course students learn about the fundamental principles of growth and development from conception through childhood to old age. The course includes the study of the biological process of development, as well as the emotional, social, cognitive, and psychological development of the individual within a cultural and historical context. This course is cross-listed with HFST 1500.
    General Education Course
  • 1.00 Credits

    This course is designed to expose students to a broad range of disciplines and careers relative to the field of Psychology, Therapy, Criminal Justice and Human Services. Students will be introduced to professions and professionals in these fields in order for them to understand and prepare for applying discipline knowledge to practical environments. All students in Social and Behavioral Sciences Certification programs should enroll in this course to fulfill certification and proficiency requirements. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • 2.00 Credits

    This course is designed to demonstrate the prevalence of psychology concepts in our lives. These concepts will be studied through and demonstrated via popular media outlets. Students will view various TV programs, movies, and comic strips which illustrate psychological principles. After such, students will evaluate how and which principles are being displayed. This is a general interest and cross disciplinary course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    In this course, students learn about the fundamental principles of learning and behavior. The course reviews topics such as classical and operant conditioning and their ability to change human and animal behavior. In conjunction to the lecture section of the course, there is a lab section. Students will spend time training a virtual rat using the principles they study. The course is required for psychology majors and minors.
    General Education Course
  • 1.00 Credits

    In this lab, students apply the fundamental principles of learning and behavior as learned in the lecture section.The lab applies topics such as classical and operant conditioning and their ability to change human and animal behavior. Therefore as part of the lab, students work on projects such as: training a virtual rat and creating behavioral interventions. Corequisite:    PSY 1400
  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    Psychology internships are designed to help students link theory with real life practice and/or research. Students can also gain valuable resume experience, network with professionals, and understand the intricacies of their chosen discipline. Some students will choose to continue with an original research project in much greater depth and broader scope. Other students may volunteer with a business, organization, or government agency and are individually arranged by the student in collaboration with psychology faculty and a supervisor at the workplace. This course is repeatable for up to 6 credits, with no more than 3 credits per semester. Each credit requires 45 clock hours of internship experience. Internships are typically pass/fail credits. Students desiring a grade will need to negotiate a contract with significant academic work beyond the actual work experience.