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Course Search Results

  • 1.00 - 6.00 Credits

    An opportunity for majors to apply knowledge and techniques learned in the classroom to an actual job experience. Classroom instruction must precede the experience, or the student must be registered for courses at the same time the student is enrolled in the work experience.
  • 1.00 - 6.00 Credits

    An opportunity for majors to apply knowledge and techniques learned in the classroom to an actual job experience. Classroom instruction must precede the experience, or the student must be registered for courses at the same time the student is enrolled in the work experience.
  • 1.00 - 6.00 Credits

    An opportunity for majors to apply knowledge and techniques learned in the classroom to an actual job experience. Classroom instruction must precede the experience, or the student must be registered for courses at the same time the student is enrolled in the work experience.
  • 5.00 Credits

    This course provides an introduction to the Spanish language and the cultures of Spanish-speaking peoples. It is designed for students with no previous Spanish study. During the course, students develop basic oral and listening communication skills by participating in activities that require them to use Spanish in a variety of situations. As a result of developing these skills, they also acquire the ability to read and write Spanish at a basic level. Students learn to communicate about topics that are most familiar to them (e.g., self, family, home, school, daily and recent activities), and they learn to appreciate ways of life different from their own. This course is interactive with a focus on learner participation and basic conversation practice in Spanish.
  • 5.00 Credits

    This course is a continuation of SPAN 1010 and provides additional exposure to the Spanish language and the cultures of Spanish-speaking peoples. It is designed for students who have completed SPAN 1010 with a C- or better, or for students with equivalent experience. During the course, students continue to develop basic oral and listening communication skills by participating in activities that require them to use Spanish in a variety of situations. As a result of developing these skills, they also acquire the ability to read and write Spanish at a basic level. Students learn to communicate about topics that are most familiar to them (e.g., self, family, home, school, daily and recent activities), and they learn to appreciate ways of life different from their own. This course is interactive with a focus on learner participation, basic conversation practice in Spanish, and additional focus on reading and writing. Successful completion of this course fulfills the foreign language requirement for the Associate of Arts degree at Snow College.
    General Education Course
  • 4.00 Credits

    This course reviews and expands upon the communicative aspects of the Spanish language acquired by students in SPAN 1010 and SPAN 1020, by employing three main areas of focus: linguistics, literature and film, and culture. The linguistic focus of the course is on vocabulary development, accuracy of expression, and improved communication. Students review structures and vocabulary learned in elementary courses and use them in longer, more detailed speech and compositions. The literary focus of the course is on the development of reading skills for authentic texts, from both print and other media. The cultural focus of the course is on increasing the knowledge and understanding of the geography, history, and traditions of the Hispanic world. This course is interactive with a focus on learner participation in reading, speaking, listening, and writing in Spanish.
    General Education Course
  • 4.00 Credits

    This course is a continuation of SPAN 2010. The goal of this course is to expand upon the communicative aspects of the Spanish language acquired by students in SPAN 2010, in writing, speaking, reading, and listening comprehension. Students continue to develop additional vocabulary improve accuracy of expression, and polish overall communication. Students learn structures beyond those acquired in elementary courses and use them in longer, more detailed speech and compositions. Students also augment their understanding of literature and sharpen their analytical skills through continued development of reading using authentic texts, including Spanish short stories and a dramatic Spanish play. They increase knowledge and understanding of the geography, history, and traditions of the Hispanic world.
    General Education Course
  • 1.00 - 2.00 Credits

    Involves a special project where there is a demonstrated need which cannot be met through enrollment in a regularly scheduled course. Also could include special projects of unusual merit in furthering a student's professional goals. Student(s) must be able to sustain framework for developing and enhancing student abilities to do lucid thinking. Requires approval of instructor, division dean, and curriculum committee.
  • 1.00 - 2.00 Credits

    This course is for students with native or advanced proficiency in Spanish who wish to use their knowledge to help other students review, strengthen, and apply language skills taught in all Spanish courses at Snow College. This includes both conversation practice and grammar instruction. Tutors may be asked to proofread documents, grade quizzes or homework, provide feedback, and perform other small tasks as directed by the instructor. Tutors will receive training and support from the instructor.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is designed to introduce prospective elementary and secondary teachers with an overview of the historical, philosophical, psychological, and cultural forces that affect education. Participants will understand the nature of learning and the diversity of learners from those considered at-risk to those who may be gifted. An overview of the current trends and issues that face the general education teachers in terms of identification, referral and teacher of students who may have learning differences will be presented. The concept of inclusion and the continuum of special education services will be discussed. The participants will be aware of a variety of exceptionalities, specific strategies and adaptations that might be employed to assist in teaching student with learning problems.