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  • 3.00 Credits

    Animal biology is an introductory level course in the fundamental principles common to all life forms. Basic biological concepts including chemistry, cell structure and function, genetics, speciation, ecology and behavior will be introduced. The remainder of the course will focus on a survey of the animal kingdom followed by a comparative approach to organ systems. This course will partially satisfy Natural Sciences GE.
    General Education Course
  • 3.00 Credits

    Human Biology is the study of the human species at the levels of organization from the atomic through the biosphere. Emphasis is placed on the major organ systems, health issues, genetics, evolution, and man's interaction with the environment as related to the biology of humans and the quality of life. This course is for students whose major course of study is not in the sciences. This course will partially satisfy the Natural Science GE requirement (LS). While not required, it is recommended that Biol 1055 (Human Biology Lab) is taken concurrently.
    General Education Course
  • 1.00 Credits

    The human biology laboratory component allows for student application of the principles learned in human biology lecture with an emphasis on investigative learning. This component (BIOL 1055) is optional, but in order to count as a laboratory experience, it must be taken concurrently with BIOL 1050. Corequisite:    BIOL 1050
    General Education Course
  • 3.00 Credits

    Environmental biology examines the varied dimensions of environmental issues, problems and solutions in the context of the biological sciences. To understand global environmental biology issues, students will become fluent in topics including biodiversity, ecosystem function, agriculture and food production, energy systems, water, urbanization, population dynamics, air quality, and climate. The course consists of lectures, participation exercises, and the application assignments (in-class and field based)--all of which will require critical thinking and data analysis skills.
    General Education Course
  • 1.00 Credits

    The environmental biology laboratory allows students hands-on application and experimentation of principles taught during environmental biology lecture. This component (BIOL 1425) is optional, but in order to count as a laboratory experience, it must be taken concurrently with BIOL 1420. (Lab fee required). Corequisite:    BIOL 1420
    General Education Course
  • 3.00 Credits

    Human Dynamics for Visual Artists and Performers is designed primarily for students interested in the human figure and its form and function as it relates to drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, dance, and athletics. The focus of the course is primarily on the musculoskeletal system, but includes the study of the human species at levels of organization from the atomic through the biosphere with the study of cell biology, major organ systems, genetics, human development, evolution, and ecology. It must be taken concurrently with the laboratory, BIOL 1455. Corequisite:    BIOL 1455
    General Education Course
  • 1.00 Credits

    This course is the laboratory component of BIOL 2150 and gives students the opportunity to study laboratory models, skeletal material, and cadavers. It must be taken concurrently with the lecture, BIOL 1450. Corequisite:    BIOL 1450
  • 3.00 Credits

    Birds, Biology, and Learning and Teaching the Story of Life examines the biology of birds, compares it to human biology, and explores how to teach the biology of birds to children in the classroom and at home. To understand bird biology, students will become fluent in topics including bird classification, how to identify birds by sight and song, citizen science in the home and the classroom, bird conservation, teaching bird biology, and how bird anatomy and physiology compares to that of humans. The course consists of lectures, participation exercises, and application assignments (in-class and field-based) - all of which will require critical thinking and data analysis.
    General Education Course
  • 1.00 Credits

    This course is the laboratory component of Bird Biology, BIOL 1460 and gives students the opportunity to study birds in the laboratory and the field. It must be taken concurrently with BIOL 1460. Corequisite:    BIOL 1460
    General Education Course
  • 4.00 Credits

    This is the first semester course of a year-long sequence that is required for most biology majors, many pre-professional majors, natural resource majors and some agriculture majors. This course introduces many major themes in biology, such as inheritance, diversity of life, growth and response of organisms, and flow of matter and energy through biological systems. This course will foster problem solving and the application of scientific reasoning within a biological context. Corequisite:    BIOL 1615
    General Education Course