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Course Search Results

  • 0.00 - 3.00 Credits

    This course will instruct students in fundamentals of web site creation practices by developing basic skills in XHTML and CSS. Students will explore the range of Internet and web technologies, looking particularly at future opportunities for Web and multimedia developers. Students will also examine various multimedia formats (images, audio, video, sound, and animation) and learn about Web standards and accessibility.
  • 0.00 - 3.00 Credits

    In this course, students learn highly marketable skills in preparing strategic professional business documents and presentations. Students explore a variety of problem-solving approaches typical in a professional environment. This course includes employment document preparation, as well as job interview strategies and techniques. BUS 2200 is required for the Associate of Science Business degree. Skills learned in this course are valuable to students in any major.
  • 0.00 - 3.00 Credits

    Welcome to the entrepreneurial revolution. This class is an introductory course intended to provide students with a solid foundation in terms of the vital role played by entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurship in the 21st century global economy. During this semester we will assess, explore, critique, and celebrate the phenomenon of entrepreneurship. This course has been designed for students to learn about the characteristics of an entrepreneur and the various elements essential to developing and leading a successful entrepreneurial enterprise. Students will learn the attributes of a successful entrepreneur must have beginning with how to develop a business plan. The many aspects of leadership, management, and teamwork will be covered through business projects, field study, guest speakers, readings, case studies, classroom discussion, and the class enterprise project. If you've got big ideas, here's where you can find the knowledge and strategies to take them to the next level, whether you're ready to channel your inspiration into a new venture or take your ideas to a larger organization.
  • 0.00 - 3.00 Credits

    This course is designed for students to develop effective oral presentation skills, allowing for increased poise and self-confidence. Students learn marketable skills such as how to integrate presentation and technical skills to create dynamic and professional presentations that may be presented online and/or to live audiences. The course teaches students how to perform audience analysis for planning a well-received presentation with a clear purpose. Students will be given multiple opportunities to plan, develop, deliver, and evaluate presentations. Strategies for overcoming presentation anxiety and relaxation techniques will be explored.
  • 0.00 - 3.00 Credits

    Students will gain a practical understanding of project management principles to be applied in a business or personal setting. Students will have opportunities to build strong portfolios to showcase their skills as they create deliverables for real-world projects, whether working indiviually or as part of a group. Students will learn project management software and will be prepared to plan, organize, lead, particfipate in control, and improve projects. Appropriate methodologies, tools, diagrams, software, and techniques will be covered. Each chapter and assignment will correspond to A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. (PMBOK Guide). This correlation will ensure that students understand the established standards in project management today and will help prepare them to take the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) certification exam.
  • 0.00 - 3.00 Credits

    This course addresses specific management strategies related to starting, owning, operating, and growing a small business. Students will explore marketing, customer service, financial management, leadership, ethics, and growth opportunities. Real-world case studies and exampleswill be used throughout the course, along with contemporary readings relevant in the current business environment.
  • 1.00 - 2.00 Credits

    This is the third course in a series of four and is designed for the second year student. Students who take this course will be involved in the Snow College Business Club and will have the opportunity of affiliating with Phi Beta Lambda (FBLA-PBL) and/or Collegiate DECA. This course will assist students in gaining the competitive edge through engagement in career exploration, leadership development, self-improvement, and volunteer programs. Students build their resumes, meet business leaders in the community and beyond, experience the rewards of community service, and enjoy unique travel opportunities--all the while networking with both peers and professionals. This course brings business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership development programs. Students may register for 1 or 2 credits.
  • 1.00 - 2.00 Credits

    This is the fourth course in a series of four and is designed for the second year student. Students who take this course will be involved in the Snow College Business Club and will have the opportunity of affiliating with Phi Beta Lambda (FBLA-PBL) and/or Collegiate DECA. Special emphasis is placed on competition preparation. This course will assist students in gaining the competitive edge through engagement in career exploration, leadership development, self-improvement, and volunteer programs. Students build their resumes, meet business leaders in the community and beyond, experience the rewards of community service, and enjoy unique travel opportunities--all the while networking with both peers and professionals. This course brings business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership development programs. Students may register for 1 or 2 credits.
  • 0.00 - 1.00 Credits

    This course is designed to provide a dynamic business-oriented travel experience in which students are exposed to real world business scenarios. The seminar may include international travel. Students participate in daily focus activities with local professionals while on the travel experience and attend a short series of prepatory lectures before and after the travel experience. Students will be responsible for all travel expenses. This course is repeatable one time for credit.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course introduces individuals to a variety of chemistry-related knowledge and experience and is designed to give non-majors a glimpse at chemistry and how it relates to the world around them. As a general education course, it relates chemistry to the real world experience and gives the student an opportunity to investigate chemical principles in their life. It gives the student a feeling for how scientists view problems and the systematic method by which they solve them. Discussion topics are chosen from physical, organic, and biological areas inside the chemistry field.
    General Education Course