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Course Search Results

  • 3.00 Credits

    Students learn basic principles of argumentation and their application to communication and, in particular, to debate. Analysis of current social issues, evidence and reasoning, refutation, ethics, strategy, and delivery are included in course work. Students will develop their research abilities, critical thinking skills, and oral communication skills.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course introduces various perspectives on public relations, as manifested in the theories, methods, principles, and practices which predominate in the field. Special emphasis is placed on preparing and organizing various types of oral presentations appropriate to the field.
    General Education Course
  • 2.00 Credits

    A supervised laboratory experience in the exploration of story telliing and narrative communication with multimedia and interactivity; development of new media skills; preparation of materials for online media, progression from linear into non-linear narrative.
  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    Students contribute to the Snow College student station, KAGE-FM. This is a senior staff level class, which provides leadership opportunities to 2nd year staff members. Lecture and lab situations combine to provide students with the background and skills required to meet the needs of the radio communications industry. Students are exposed to to both analog and digital studio systems, including digital multitrack production techniques. Work may include station management, announcing, production of promos, public service announcements, underwriting, news or sports reporting. (Additional fee required)
  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    Involves a special project where there is a demonstrated need which cannot be met through enrollment in a regularly scheduled course. Also could include special projects of unusual merit in furthering a student's professional goals. Student(s) must be able to sustain framework for developing and enhancing student abilities to do lucid thinking. Requires approval of instructor, division dean, and curriculum committee.
  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    This course is designed to address a special topic associated with the discipline that may not be included as a part of the normal curriculum. Topics may be extensions of current field of study or it may include possible future additions to the departmental curriculum.
  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    Students contribute to the Snow College student stationk, KAGE-FM. This is a senior staff level class, which provides leadership opportunities to 2nd year staff members. Lecture and lab situations combine to provide students with the background and skills required to meet the needs of the radio communications industry. Students are exposed to both analog and digital studio systems, including digital multitrack production techniques. Work may include station management, announcing, production of promos, public service announcements, underwriting, news or sports reporting. (Additional fee required)
  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    Students contribute to the Snow College student station, KAGE-FM. This is a senior staff level class, which provides leadership opportunities to 2nd year staff members. Lecture and lab situations combine to provide students with the background and skills required to meet the needs of the radio communications industry. Students are exposed to both analog and digital studio systems, including digital multitrack production techniques. Work may include station management, announcing, production of promos, public service announcements, underwriting, news or sports reporting, Students will learn to create and organize a professional-quality radio portfolio consisting of a broadcast aircheck, production samples, resume, and related materials. Emphasis will be placed on voice, performance and adapting to an audience. (Additional fee required)
  • 2.00 Credits

    Senior staff students will practice the theory and application of newspaper design, production, and reporting as staff members and student editors of The Snowdrift, Snow College's student newspaper. Senior staff will work as mentors, student instructors, and be responsible for newspaper production.
  • 2.00 Credits

    Snowdrift senior staff students have the opportunity to lead and assist with instruction as students engage in an in-depth examination of Journalism and new writing processes. Senior staff will help in planning design and publication of the student newspaper. This production process will involve feature writing, page/graphic design, typesetting and business management.