3.00 Credits
Prerequisite(s): (PHIL 1000 or PHIL 100H or PHIL 2050 or PHIL 205H or PHIL 205G or PHIL 2110 or PHIL 2150 or instructor approval) and University Advanced Standing. Explores the central issues in the philosophy of language. Includes the study of such issues as truth, meaning, reference and descriptions, names and demonstratives, speech acts, metaphor and private language. Includes the study of such philosophers as W.V.O. Quine, A Tarski, D. Davidson, J. Searle, J. Derrida, C. Levi-Strauss, F. Saussure, L. Wittgenstein, K. Donnellan, S. Kripke, D. Kaplan, H.P. Grice, B. Russell, and P.F. Strawson.