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  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): THEA 1713 and University Advanced Standing. Explores the evolution of musical theatre from the 1700s through present day, focusing on how politics, cultural trends, and technology have changed the art form.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): THEA 1713. Introduces students to the practice and theory of dramaturgy and literary management. Examines the involvement of "dramaturgs" and "literary officers" in contemporary theatre. Provides opportunities for work on UVU and outside productions.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): (THEA 2741 or THEA 2742 or Instructor Approval) and University Advanced Standing. Builds upon skills taught in Scriptwriting for Stage and Screen courses. Explores the thoughts, theories, principles and processes of transforming story materials into viable one-act (i.e. short, 45-60 minute) film scripts. Involves an extensive writing component.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): THEA 1033 or THEA 2741 or THEA 3611; University Advanced Standing. Acts as a reading, performance, discussion and improvisation lab for scriptwriter's creative works. Involves students in the process of polishing, refining, and brainstorming dramatic works. Supports original student scripts with the ultimate goal of production. Integrates the work of writers, directors and actors into a collaborative effort. Includes active class discussions, readings, improvisations, written and oral presentations and critiques, research and completion of a project. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits toward graduation.. Course fee of $15 for materials applies.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): THEA 3113, BFA Theatre Arts Matriculation, and University Advanced Standing. Focuses on development of the tools and skills necessary to compete as a professional actor. Involves creation of acting reels, head shots, and resumes. Emphasizes development of networking, professional etiquette and self-promotion skills needed to demonstrate a level of professionalism in the industry. Includes meetings with industry professionals.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): BFA Theatre Arts Matriculation; THEA 2033, THEA 3721; University Advanced Standing. Includes advanced preparation for performance of classical texts. Emphasizes voice, speech, movement, and character development. Covers Greek and Roman acting styles, Commedia dell Arte and 17th Century French Neoclassic styles, Shakespearean Tragedy and Comedy, Comedy of Manners, and 19th Century Romanticism and Melodrama. Includes a brief introduction to Modern and Post-modern acting styles.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): BFA Theatre Arts Matriculation, THEA 2033, and University Advanced Standing. Teaches advanced skills and methods involved in the audition process for stage and screen roles. Focuses on developing resumes, interview skills, and preparing a wide range of audition pieces.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): Senior Standing; THEA 4117, BFA Theatre Arts Major, University Advanced Standing. Allows students to collaborate with a director to create a showcase of each student actor's performance for promotional purposes. Teaches key skills in career and personal financial management related to the acting profession.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): BFA Theatre Arts Major, THEA 3122, and University Advanced Standing. Increases the actor's command of operative language, complex syntax, imagery, figures of sound, and rhythm to fulfill the demands of classical acting. Involves rigorous textual analysis of the verse and prose of Shakespearean texts followed by practice in vocal/physical interpretation and performance.
  • 2.00 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): Theatre Major in BFA Theatre Arts; THEA 2156; THEA 3151; THEA 3154; University Advanced Standing. Prepares Juniors and Seniors for the rigor of a professional career in Musical Theater in terms of performance in acting, dance, music, and the relationship between the craft and the story. May be repeated for a maximum of eight credits toward graduation.