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Course Search Results

  • 3.00 Credits

    Focuses on the sport administrators role in managing sporting events and facilities. Practical applications of the principles and theories related to planning, organizing, and executing sport and entertainment events will be addressed. Emphasis will include feasibility studies, day-to-day operations, staffing, contract negotiations, risk management, media marketing and advertising, and assessment of event success. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Design an event proposal including assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation. 2. Critique facility design and determine whether a facility adequately meets the needs of its clientele. 3. Analyze trends and best practices in facility design, construction, funding, and amenities. 4. Design, administer, and evaluate major sport and entertainment events for efficiency of execution. 5. Manage the operation of venues and events including staffing, box office procedures, security and risk, and participant and spectator engagement. Prerequisites: Admission to the Master of Sport Management program. FA, SP, SU
  • 3.00 Credits

    Focuses on the development of marketing and communication strategies associated with sport; specifically, market and customer analysis, market segmentation, and marketing mix tactics. Considerations will be given to marketing information systems, pricing strategies, media relations, promotional methods, and endorsements as they relate to marketing teams and maintaining relationships between athletic departments and media. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Analyze current issues and trends impacting marketing in sport. 2. Validate key factors and data points influencing sport consumer behavior. 3 Facilitate creative integration of digital marketing and promotions, interactive advertising, public relations, image-making, and other marketing communication tools. 4. Critically evaluate promotion and communication strategies utilized by sport organizations. 5. Manage the relationships between sport organizations and media effectively. Prerequisites: Admission to the Master of Sport Management program. FA, SP, SU
  • 3.00 Credits

    Assesses the principles and theoretical bases related to the neural and reflexive mechanisms and cognitive processes controlling human movement and the learning of motor skills. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs)** At the conclusion of this course students: 1) Explain and operationalize the physiological properties of the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular system that relate to movement control; 2) Integrating knowledge of the mechanical factors of human movement and its analysis with knowledge of the neurological bases for movement; 3) Incorporate the neurophysiological and behavioral principles of motor skill acquisition in training programs and plans; 4) Summarize principles of motor learning theory (e.g., movement preparation, attention, arousal, and practice design); 5) Explain competing theories of motor behavior and self-organization, including in the realm of constraints-based training. Prerequisites: Admission to the Master of Sport Management program. FA, SP, SU
  • 3.00 Credits

    Investigates sport operations and athletic performance using multiple data analytic approaches. Explores the skills, technologies, applications, and practices essential to understand and evaluate performance in sport organizations as well as athletic performance to formulate suitable models, develop and interpret solutions, and communicate results. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate familiarity of how to acquire data and explore current sport analytic research. 2. Analyze statistical concepts and their application in the sports industry. 3. Measure and predict player, team, and organizational performance. 4. Produce a visual analysis consumable by those without deep analytic knowledge. 5. Recognize, formulate, and analyze decision-making in sports based on analytics. Prerequisites: Admission to the Master of Sport Management program. FA,SP, SU
  • 3.00 Credits

    Explores a comprehensive overview of revenue generation across segments of the sport organizations. Specific emphasis will be place on sport sponsorship and ticket sales process, corporate and foundation partnership, fundraising of collegiate athletics and multimedia properties in sport. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Examine revenue-generating methods used by sport organizations 2. Analyze and apply the role of sales in sport organizations across segments of the sport industry. 3. Incorporate financial trends of revenues and expenses to calculate profits and losses for sport organizations.4. Integrate effective sales strategies from developing proposals to maintaining relationships. 5. Manage fundraising and sales strategies to drive revenue for sports properties. Prerequisites: Admission to the Master of Sport Management program. FA, SP, SU
  • 3.00 Credits

    Explores the human movement science and the instrumental technology used to capture it in sport, both for performance and injury prevention. Technologies and instrumentation for measuring and tracking movement performance will be introduced, along with computer software and methods for computing variables of interest to coaches, performance directors, and decision-makers in the area of biomechanics and performance metrics. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Measure and summarize movement profiles and attributes for athletes. 2. Develop models of movement grading and cultivate variables of interest for tracking performance improvement through training programs. 3. Test and explain new or innovative equipment and training design for validity and insight to decision-makers. 4. Enhance athletic performance through coordination and integration of movement quality data with data from strength and conditioning, sports medicine, motor learning, and coaching experts. 5. Produce summary reports of movement data for ease of understating by coaches, medical staff, and strength and conditioning staff to aid in their work with athletic performance. Prerequisites: Admission to the Master of Sport Management program. FA,SP, SU
  • 3.00 Credits

    Provides supervised practical experiences in a managed sport setting. A minimum of 135 hours of work-related experiences is required. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Integrate knowledge acquired to practical situations in the sports industry. 2. Demonstrate professional skills and attitudes toward professional etiquette. 3. Develop personal skills in communication, technology, teamwork, and reasoning. 4. Assess personal career interests and work abilities. 5. Adapt to career networking opportunities. Prerequisites: Admission to the Master of Sport Management program. FA, SP, SU
  • 3.00 Credits

    Facilitates jointly supervised professional experiences with an approved cooperating organization in the sports industry. A minimum of 150 hours or work-related experiences is required. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Integrate classroom theory, knowledge, and skills into real world decision making. 2. Develop professional readiness skills, such as written and verbal communication skills, analytical skills, and problem-solving skills. 3. Collaborate in professional operations and decision making. 4. Examine the administration, supervision, and day-to-day operations of the agency in which they are working. 5. Develop network of professional relationships and contact. Prerequisites: Admission to the master of Sport Management program. FA, SP, SU
  • 3.00 Credits

    An intensive course focusing on the methodology of teaching secondary education, including skill, concept and value development in middle, junior high and senior high school social studies teaching. Required for certification in the Social Sciences Composite teaching program. Taught upon sufficient student need. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Plan and teach lessons based on differences in cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional and physical areas of student development. 2. Create content instruction according to individual learner differences and cultural and linguistic diversity. 3. Develop and practice pedagogical knowledge of how literary genres and technology can build students' content knowledge. 4. Use varied assessments to promote student achievement of content standards. 5. Articulate a rationale for the place of controversial topics or themes in the secondary schools. 6. Develop awareness of the role of content as a means for participation of youth as contributing members of a social and political democracy. 7. Demonstrates appropriate proficiency in practicum experience. Prerequisites: Instructor permission required.
  • 2.00 Credits

    For international students. This course provides international students with the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and awareness needed to adapt to college life at Utah Tech University. Topics include: US immigration compliance, cross-cultural adjustment, campus services, academic advisement, safety and emergency issues, academic success, and academic integrity. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Identify US Immigration F1 Visa requirements. 2. Locate and use Campus Services. 3. Develop positive relationships with academic advisors and professors. 4. Demonstrate effective academic skills and strategies for a U.S. academic environment. 5. Employ good health and wellness practices (stress management, balancing academics, work and play, time management, good nutrition, etc.). 6. Identify campus safety policies and procedures. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. FA, SP