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Course Search Results

  • 2.00 Credits

    This course is a continuation of the exploration of the fundamentals of movement and their relationship to acting through the work of Etienne DeCroux (corporeal mime), ballet for the actor, and modern dance techniques. Prerequisites: "C" or better in THEA 1240 OR Instructor Consent.
  • 2.00 Credits

    This course deepens the exploration of the fundamentals of movement and their relationship to acting through the work of neutral mask and improvisational movement, with the addition of text in creating physical characterization. Prerequisites: "C" or better in THEA 2240 OR Instructor Consent.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Having learned to produce sound and work towards diction, the Sophomore actor will begin to analyze a play and find a character through research, the play, and their text. Students will learn how to take their character on the journey of the play in solo efforts working to move the audience. Prerequisites: "C" or better in (THEA 1221 AND Admission to Emphasis in Musical Theatre ) OR Instructor Consent.
  • 3.00 Credits

    The course introduces the element of partner dynamics to the exchange between characters as the actor further develops his character and tries to influence the other characters. The sophomore actor will learn the unexpected rhythm and tempo changes that result from partner scene work and how to use those findings to keep moments focused and alive for the audience. Prerequisites: "C" or better in (THEA 2310 AND Admission to Emphasis in Musical Theatre) OR Instructor Consent.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course introduces students to the craft of playwriting. Through completing a series of reading, writing, and presentation assignments, students will learn the basics of writing for the stage. By the end of the course, students will have completed the first draft of a one-act or portion of a longer play.
  • 1.00 Credits

    This is the first in a series of 8 workshops the student must take throughout their MTP careers. It is designed to give weekly performance opportunities to the craft-based classes of dancing, singing and acting. The Freshman year of the course, Thea 2652, is intended to be largely observational. Freshmen will learn to watch the work of their classmates with a growing understanding of the craft behind the performance. Students will begin to present Vocal Jury songs midway through the fall semester and continue presenting Vocal Juries in the Spring. Prerequisites: Admission to Musical Theatre Program Emphasis OR Instructor Consent.
  • 3.00 Credits

    An introduction to the performance styles and traditions of the dramatic arts of Japan, this course focuses on the practice and performance styles of Noh, Kyogen, Kabuki, and Bunraku. Basic Zen meditation will be explored to understand the mental discipline required of these highly theatrical and non-realistic forms, which continue music, dance, and narrative.
    General Education Course
  • 1.00 Credits

    This ATP Lab course serves as a forum for the following activities: performance laboratory, discussion forum, master classes, audition seminars, and guest lectures from industry professionals. Attendance is mandatory. This course or its equivalent ATP Lab is taken by the ATP student every semester. Prerequisites: Admission to Actor Training Program Emphasis OR Instructor Consent.
  • 1.00 Credits

    This ATP Lab course serves as a forum for the following activities: performance laboratory, discussion forum, master classes, audition seminars, and guest lectures from industry professionals. Attendance is mandatory. This course or its equivalent ATP Lab is taken by the ATP student every semester. Prerequisites: Admission to Actor Training Program Emphasis OR Instructor Consent.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Course familiarizes elementary education majors with effective method for integrating theatre into the elementary school curriculum. Prerequisites: "C" or better in (THEA 1033 OR THEA 1120) OR Instructor Consent.
    General Education Course