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Course Search Results

  • 3.00 Credits

    Fulfills a requirement for English majors pursuing an emphasis in Professional & Technical Writing. Takes an in-depth approach to the study of a particular topic in technical writing. The focus of the course will be dependent on the instructor but will revolve around a contemporary topic, theoretical focus, writing technology, or technical genre of writing. Repeatable for up to 9 credits. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Apply theories to practice in professional technical writing. 2. Analyze works of professional technical writing in relation to the class focus. 3. Compose a research-based report or create a research-based technological artifact. Prerequisites: ENGL 2010 (Grade C or higher) or ENGL 2010A (Grade C or higher). SP
  • 3.00 Credits

    Fulfills a requirement for English majors pursuing an emphasis in Professional & Technical Writing and Creative Writing, and is open to other interested students. Through the production of the digital journal, Route 7 Review, students gain understanding of how written communication applies to such organizational contexts as media, business, professional, social, educational, and political groups. Successful students will understand how writing functions in basic types of organizations, critique the effectiveness of written organizational communication practices, and develop their own writing and editing skills. Repeatable for up to 6 credits. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Apply the basic tenets of editing and journal production, including but not limited to web development, copy editing, layout and document design, and research. 2. Apply professional and technical writing skills to compose marketing and publicity materials as well as informational documents, email, solicitations, social media, and websites. 3. Demonstrate ability to meet deadlines and practice professionalism in dealing with campus and community entities. 4. Analyze various undergraduate literary journals for content and aesthetic considerations. 5. Demonstrate collaborative learning by working with journal staff members and other interns. 6. Produce investigative and/or observational research, focus relevant details, and integrate research into journals' websites, publications, and publicity materials. Prerequisites: ENGL 2010 (Grade C or higher) or ENGL 2010A (Grade C or higher). FA
  • 3.00 Credits

    Fulfills a requirement for English majors pursuing an emphasis in Professional & Technical Writing and Creative Writing, and is open to other interested students. Through the production of the university's digital journal, Curiosity: Interdisciplinary Journal of Research and Innovation, students gain understanding of how written communication applies to such organizational contexts as media, business, professional, social, educational, and political groups. Successful students will understand how writing functions in basic types of organizations, critique the effectiveness of written organizational communication practices, and develop their own writing and editing skills. Repeatable for up to 6 credits. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Apply the basic tenets of editing and journal production, including but not limited to web development, copy editing, layout and document design, and research. 2. Apply professional and technical writing skills to compose marketing and publicity materials as well as informational documents, email, solicitations, social media, and websites. 3. Demonstrate ability to meet deadlines and practice professionalism in dealing with campus and community entities. 4. Analyze various undergraduate literary journals for content and aesthetic considerations. 5. Demonstrate collaborative learning by working with journal staff members and other interns. 6. Produce investigative and/or observational research, focus relevant details, and integrate research into journals' websites, publications, and publicity materials. Prerequisite: ENGL 2010 (Grade C or higher) or ENGL 2010A (Grade C or higher). SP
  • 3.00 Credits

    Fulfills a requirement for English majors pursuing an emphasis in Professional & Technical Writing, and open to other interested students. Students will learn how to development content for online markets, including magazine features, eBook publishing, blogging for profit, writing for websites (trade association, commercial, and informational), writing for e-tailers, and establishing an online presence as an independent writer. Students will generate ideas, pitch stories, research, report, and write articles suitable for publication, and initiate and complete the feature or long-form article for online magazines or other online markets. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1 Analyze practices that professional writers regularly employ, such as finding markets, crafting query letters, and communicating directly with editors. 2. Evaluate business aspects of freelance writing. 3. Analyze materials produced for class by colleagues, providing suggestions for effective revision. 4. Collaborate with writers, editors, and publishers locally, nationally, and internationally to complete writing assignments. 5. Create articles suitable for publication in online magazines or other online markets. Prerequisites: ENGL 2010 (Grade C or higher) or ENGL 2010A (Grade C or higher). FA
  • 3.00 Credits

    Required of English majors pursuing an emphasis in Literary Studies or English Education, and open to other interested students. Examines works by major authors in various genres from Asia, the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, Africa, the Caribbean, Australia, Latin America, and Europe, thus enabling students to appreciate culture and literary traditions beyond those of Britain and the United States. Course topics will vary according to instructor emphasis. At least 40% of the literature covered in this course will be non-Western. This course is designated as an Active Learning Cultural Immersion (ALCI) course. Students have a unique opportunity to learn another culture as part of the learning objectives of this course. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Analyze literary elements found in the world literature texts - including plot, setting, characterization, theme, point of view, figurative language and other literary devices - in both written and verbal forms. 2. Identify and then investigate major forms, genres, and themes found in world literature texts, both western and non-western. 3. Analyze and critique a specific literary text in a meaningful and effective fashion, doing far more than stating the obvious. 4. Evaluate and assess the insights of scholarly criticism pertaining to the primary texts read in the class. 5. Synthesize primary and secondary sources to support original arguments about the texts read. Prerequisites: ENGL 2010 (Grade C or higher) or ENGL 2010A (Grade C or higher). SP
    General Education Course
  • 3.00 Credits

    Required of English majors pursuing an emphasis in Professional and Technical Writing, and open to other interested students. Introduces students to the foundations of technical communication theory and research methods in the workplace. Explores contemporary issues related to professional writing contexts, including digital composition, ethics, gender, etc. Students will compose a literature review for a research proposal and develop and revise a professional eportfolio to archive professional documents. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Describe contemporary issues and writing practices in the industry, academia, government, and other organizations based on effective professional/technical writing principles. 2. Assess research articles critically based on goals, methods, theories. 3. Design a research proposal that synthesizes a body of published research on a particular issue. 4. Compose a professional eportfolio that effectively tracks individual scholarly and professional development. Prerequisite: ENGL 2010 or ENGL 2010A (Grade C or higher). FA
  • 3.00 Credits

    Required of English majors pursuing an emphasis in Literary Studies or English Education, and open to other interested students. Students can expect to do close readings of at least six plays and to study such secondary materials as literary criticism, historical background, and film and theatrical representations of the plays. As perhaps the single most important cultural icon in our society, Shakespeare also offers an excellent opportunity to look at the nature of literary reputations, national competitiveness in cultures, and the shifting map of such issues over time. Students will learn to incorporate these materials into their own class discussions and will also produce papers and take exams that reflect their new knowledge. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Identify the characters, settings, plots, etc. of nine plays. 2. Apply literary criticism, historical background, and film and theatrical representations of the plays to introduce and support (through class discussions and written assignments) original arguments about Shakespeare's works. 3. Investigate and debate the nature of literary reputations, national competitiveness in cultures, and the shifting map of such issues over time using the works of Shakespeare. 4. Examine the plays by decoding Shakespeare's images and being able to fit his works into literary, historical, cultural, aesthetic, philosophical, or political contexts. Prerequisite: ENGL 2010 (Grade C or higher) or ENGL 2010A (Grade C or higher). SP
  • 3.00 Credits

    Required of English majors pursuing an emphasis in English Education, and open to other interested students. In depth exploration of contemporary adolescent literature, including content, structure, diversity issues, and critical evaluation. Also designed to provide strategies for teaching young adult readers. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Analyze orally and in written form literary aspects of young adult literature including plot, setting, characterization, theme, point of view, and figurative language. 2. Compare and differentiate the characteristics of quality vs. subpar young adult literature. 3. Critically evaluate works of young adult literature in order to select the best literature to engage and meet the needs of young adults. 4. Investigate current issues and trends in young adult literature and formulate informed personal positions regarding these issues and trends. 5. Develop strategies for teaching young adult literature to young readers. Prerequisite: ENGL 2010 (Grade C or higher) or ENGL 2010A (Grade C or higher). SP
  • 3.00 Credits

    Required of English majors pursuing an emphasis in Literary Studies, and open to other interested students. Covers the major branches of contemporary literary theory. Theoretical perspectives will include structuralism, reader-oriented theory, feminist theory, new historicist and materialist critique, post-colonialist critique, and deconstruction. Topics may also include foundational problems such as canonicity, class, consumerism, gender, ideology, race, sexuality, and textuality. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1.Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of literary theories, methodologies and accompanying discourses. 2. Create insightful responses to various literary and critical texts through specific theoretical lenses. 3. Evaluate and analyze the most appropriate critical approaches as they apply to important literary and cultural artifacts. 4. Apply the techniques of effective collaboration through successful completion of various group activities. Prerequisites: ENGL 2010 (Grade C or higher) or ENGL 2010A (Grade C or higher); AND ENGL 2600 (Grade C or higher). FA (even)
  • 3.00 Credits

    Required of English majors pursuing an emphasis in Professional and Technical Writing, and open to other interested students. Students learn to work productively with other people's print and online documents, using specialized vocabulary and such editing tools and proofreaders' marks, style guides, and standard editorial reference material. Also, students practice how to identify and correct common problems. Includes copy editing, the study of style manuals, and an overview of the production process. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Explain editing's role in document development and publication. 2. Edit effectively on a range of editing tasks and documents. 3. Implement an editing plan that meets a client's rhetorical needs and expectations. 4. Report strategies to enhance collaboration with peers and with clients. Prerequisites: ENGL 2010 (Grade C or higher) or ENGL 2010A (Grade C or higher), AND ENGL 1410 (Grade C or higher). FA